C1 Szintű Szólista - Egyetértés és nézeteltérés
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót az egyetértésről és a nézeteltérésről, például "megfelelő", "alku", "beadvány" stb. C1-es tanulók számára készült.
to come to an agreement after a dispute by reducing demands
kompromisszumot kötni, megegyezésre jutni
to reluctantly admit that something is true after denying it first
beismerni, elismerni
to work with other people in order to achieve a common goal
együttműködni, kooperálni
to intentionally become involved in a difficult situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse
beavatkozni, közbelépni
to take part or get involved in something when it is not necessary or without invitation, in a way that is annoying to others
beavatkozni, zavarni
to agree to the terms of a contract by putting one's signature to it
aláírni, megszerkeszteni
to convince someone to do something they do not want to do
meggyőzni, rábeszélni
to accept or promise to do something particular
vállalni, ígérni
to disobey or break a regulation, an agreement, etc.
megszegni, bántalmazni
to complain about or object to something angrily and loudly
the act of agreeing with a belief, idea, statement, etc.
elfogadás, beismerés
the act of following rules or regulations
megfelelés, szabályozás
an agreement reached by all members of a group
konszenzus, egyetértés
behavior and actions that most members of a society expect and consider appropriate
társadalmi konvenció, társadalmi norma
an agreement between two people or a group of people, based on which they do something particular for one another
megállapodás, alku
the state of being dedicated to someone or something
elköteleződés, hűség
an official agreement that puts an end to a dispute
megegyezés, rendezés
the state or act of accepting defeat and not having a choice but to obey the person in the position of power
megszégyenítés, alávetés
willingness to accept behavior or opinions that are against one's own
(of actions or feelings) done to or shared by either of two individuals or more for each other
közös, egymásra szabott
involving, done, or shared by all members of a group
kollektív, kollektív
completely different or opposed in basic qualities or usual behaviors
ellentétes, szembenálló
controlled, done, shared, or owned by two or more people
közös, együttes
capable of convincing others to do or believe something particular
meggyőző, hatásos
to reach a mutual understanding, agreement, or resolution with someone
used to show that one understands or agrees with what is being said because one has already experienced it
used to express one's complete agreement with someone's statement
not staying the same or predictable in quality or behavior
inkonzisztens, változó
a display of support for or protest against something or someone by a march or public meeting
demonstráció, tüntetés
(of a proposal, topic, or offer) unavailable or incapable of being considered