Daftar Kata Level C1 - Mathematics
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris tentang matematika, seperti "faktor", "radius", "tak terbatas", dll. yang disiapkan untuk pelajar C1.
Kartu flash
a straight line from one side of a round object, particularly a circle, passing through the center and joining the other side


the length of a straight line drawn from the center of a circle to any point on its outer boundary


the relation between two amounts indicating how much larger one value is than the other

rasio, perbandingan

(mathematics) a number less than one, called a fraction, that is represented as a period followed by the number of tenths, hundredths, etc.

desimal, angka desimal

the process or act of taking away one number from another

pengurangan, mengurangi

(mathematics) a rule or law represented in symbols, letters, or numbers

rumus, rumus matematika

(mathematics) a quantity whose value changes according to another quantity's varying value


(mathematics) one of the numbers that another number can be divided by

faktor, pembagi

(mathematics) the number that divides another number in a division problem


related to or used in mathematics

matematis, yang berhubungan dengan matematika

so numerous that it cannot be easily counted or quantified

tak terhitung, tak terhingga

very great in number, amount, or size and seeming to be without end or limit

tak terhingga, tanpa batas

(of a math sequence) having the ability to be continued forever

tak terbatas, tak berujung

a number that indicates the position of something in a sequence, such as third, second, etc.

ordinal, angka ordinal

each of the two symbols [ ] used to indicate that the enclosed numbers or words should be considered separately

kurung siku, kurung

(geometry) a part of a circle that is separated from the rest by a line

segmen, sektor

(geometry) a shape that is not two-dimensional because it has height, width, and length

benda padat, bentuk padat

(mathematics) to indicate something by a formula, symbol, etc.

mengekspresikan, mewakili

to add up numbers or quantities to find the overall amount

menjumlahkan, menjumlah

a standard of measurement that is based on the kilogram, the meter, and the liter

sistem metrik

a unit for measuring oil and beer that equals 42 US gallons or 35 imperial gallons for oil and 36 imperial gallons for beer

barel, drum

a measure of length that equals the distance traveled between two steps during a walk

langkah, irama

a measure equal to 16 fluid ounces, often used for measuring liquids such as beer or milk

pint, liter

a unit of volume measurement the United States for liquids, equal to 32 fluid ounces or approximately 946 milliliters

kuart (satuan ukuran volume), kuart (UK ukuran)

the distance traveled in miles in relation to the time passed when doing so

mil per jam, mil dalam satu jam