Kosakata Penting untuk GRE - Rollercoaster Emosional
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris tentang emosi, seperti "febrile", "famished", "drab", dll. yang diperlukan untuk ujian GRE.
Kartu flash
showing embarrassment or discomfort due to a mistake or an awkward situation

malu, gerogi

a feeling of extreme hatred or aversion toward something or someone

kebencian, jijik

feeling terrified or shocked about something terrible or unexpected

terperangah, terkejut

feeling or showing great interest and anticipation for something or someone

bersemangat, berharap-harap cemas

to act very slowly when something difficult, unexpected, or confusing happens

tertegun, tertegun

feeling guilty about something you have done or failed to do

tertekan oleh rasa bersalah, di hantui rasa bersalah

to draw back involuntarily, often in response to fear, pain, embarrassment, or discomfort

menyusut, mundur

to unsettle someone, causing them to become stressed or lose their confidence

mengganggu, membingungkan

feeling disappointed because someone or something is not as worthy or good as one believed

kecewa, hilang harapan

to make someone feel greatly shocked or amazed so much that they are speechless

membuat terkejut, bingung

having the ability to understand and share the feelings, emotions, and experiences of others

empatik, penuh pengertian

furious and frustrated, especially due to an unsolvable problem

putus asa, frustrasi

extremely surprised, shocked, or astonished to the point of being speechless or confused

terkejut, terhenyak