Wichtiger Wortschatz für den GRE - Emotionale Achterbahnfahrt
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter über Emotionen wie „fiebrile“, „famished“, „drab“ usw., die für die GRE-Prüfung benötigt werden.
showing embarrassment or discomfort due to a mistake or an awkward situation

verlegen, beschämt

including a lot of anger, harsh arguments and negative emotions

heftig, harscher

feeling terrified or shocked about something terrible or unexpected

entsetzt, geschockt

feeling or showing great interest and anticipation for something or someone

begeistert, ungeduldig

acting in a careless way without much thought about consequences

sorglos, unbekümmert

to act very slowly when something difficult, unexpected, or confusing happens

verwirren, stocken

feeling guilty about something you have done or failed to do

von Gewissensbissen geplagt, mit schlechtem Gewissen

to draw back involuntarily, often in response to fear, pain, embarrassment, or discomfort

anschmiegen, zumückschrecken

to unsettle someone, causing them to become stressed or lose their confidence

verwirren, verunsichern

feeling disappointed because someone or something is not as worthy or good as one believed

desillusioniert, enttäuscht

to make someone feel greatly shocked or amazed so much that they are speechless

verblüffen, fassungslos machen

having the ability to understand and share the feelings, emotions, and experiences of others

einfühlsam, empathisch

furious and frustrated, especially due to an unsolvable problem

exasperiert, frustriert

extremely surprised, shocked, or astonished to the point of being speechless or confused

staunend, verblüfft

to make someone feel nervous or uncomfortable, often by surprising or overwhelming them

verwirren, durcheinanderbringen