المفردات الضرورية للاختبار GRE - الأفعوانية العاطفي
هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية حول العواطف، مثل "febrile" و"famished" و"dab" وما إلى ذلك اللازمة لامتحان GRE.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
showing embarrassment or discomfort due to a mistake or an awkward situation
محرج, خجل
a feeling of extreme hatred or aversion toward something or someone
كراهية, اشمئزاز
including a lot of anger, harsh arguments and negative emotions
حاد, عنيف
feeling terrified or shocked about something terrible or unexpected
مفجوع, مرعوب
feeling or showing great interest and anticipation for something or someone
متحمس, مترقب
acting violently or irrationally due to extreme anger or excitement
هائج, مجنون
acting in a careless way without much thought about consequences
بلا مبالاة, مبتهج
to act very slowly when something difficult, unexpected, or confusing happens
تنبه, تجمد
to dwell on one’s troubles or worries in a depressed way
يغوص في همومه, يقلق
feeling guilty about something you have done or failed to do
مثقل بالذنب, معذب بالضمير
to draw back involuntarily, often in response to fear, pain, embarrassment, or discomfort
ينكمش, يبتعد خوفا
to unsettle someone, causing them to become stressed or lose their confidence
يُربك, يُداخل
feeling disappointed because someone or something is not as worthy or good as one believed
مُخيَّب الأمل, مُفْتَقِد للثقة
to make someone feel greatly shocked or amazed so much that they are speechless
صدم, أذهل
having the ability to understand and share the feelings, emotions, and experiences of others
متعاطف, متفهم
furious and frustrated, especially due to an unsolvable problem
مُحبَط, مُستائين
extremely surprised, shocked, or astonished to the point of being speechless or confused
مُدهش, مُفاجئ
to make someone feel nervous or uncomfortable, often by surprising or overwhelming them
إرباك, إحراج