Tubuh - Anggota badan
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris yang berhubungan dengan anggota badan, seperti "calf", "wrist", dan "heel".
Kartu flash
the place where the legs join the front part of the body, including the region of the sex organs
pangkal paha, area inguinal
the curved part on the bottom of someone's foot
lekuk kaki, melengkung kaki
the protuberant part of someone's hand, foot or thumb that is roundish
bola, benjolan
the hard smooth part covering the end of each toe
kuku kaki, kuku jari kaki
each of the long thin parts that are connected to our hands, sometimes the thumb is not included
the finger that is next to the thumb; the second digit of the human hand
jari telunjuk, jari pertama
the finger that is next to the thumb; the second digit of the human hand
jari telunjuk, jari telunjuk tangan
the finger that is next to the thumb; the second digit of the human hand
jari telunjuk, jari indeks
the raised top part of the foot between the ankle and toes
punggung kaki, bagian atas kaki
a rounded joint where the fingers can bend or are joined to the hand
sendi jari, tulang jari
the smallest finger of the hand; the fifth digit of the hand
jari kelingking, jari kecil
the longest finger of the hand; the third digit of the human hand
jari tengah, jari ketiga
the hard, thin layer on the upper surface of the tip of the finger and toe
kuku, paku
a layer of cells upon which the fingernail or toenail lies
kasur kuku, ranjang kuku
the finger next to the little finger, especially on the left hand; the fourth digit of the human hand
jari manis, jari keempat
the lower part of the leg of an animal between the knee and the ankle
betis, kaki bagian bawah
the muscular part at the back of the leg between the knee and the ankle
betis, otot betis
one of the two body parts that is connected to the shoulder and ends with fingers
the part of our body that is at the end of our arm and we use to grab, move, or feel things
the upper part of the legs that form a flat surface when one is seated
pangkuan, paha