Pelatihan Umum IELTS (Band 6-7) - Health
Di sini, Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris terkait Kesehatan yang diperlukan untuk ujian IELTS General Training.
Kartu flash
the process of removing toxic substances from the body
detoksifikasi, penghilangan racun
the process of treating and assisting individuals in recovering from injuries, illnesses, or surgeries through therapy sessions
rehabilitasi, pemulihan
a complete medical examination of the body to see if there are any health issues
pemeriksaan medis, cek kesehatan
any aerobic exercise or vigorous activity that increases heart rate as well as respiration, using the large muscles of one's body in movement over a sustained period of time
kardio, latihan aerobik
the mental or physical strength that makes one continue doing something hard for a long time
ketahanan, daya tahan
practices that promote cleanliness and health, involving personal care, sanitation, and the maintenance of a clean environment
a mental state achieved by maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of one's thoughts, feelings, etc., used as a therapeutic technique
kesadaran, mindfulness
the chemical processes through which food is changed into energy for the body to use
the condition of not being influenced by a specific negative impact
imunitas, kebebasan
the process of physical, mental, or emotional development
pertumbuhan, pengembangan
a financial arrangement that provides coverage for medical expenses, offering individuals or groups protection against the high costs of healthcare services and treatments
asuransi kesehatan, pertanggungan kesehatan
a cheerful, youthful, or healthy glow on someone's face
kemerahan, kilauan
to retrieve something that was lost or misplaced
mengambil kembali, mendapatkan kembali
to recover from an unpleasant or unhappy experience, particularly an illness
sembuh dari, melupakan
to regain health after an illness or become successful again after facing difficulties
pulih kembali, bangkit kembali