Kata Kerja Terkait Topik - Kata Kerja Terkait Pembersihan
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata kerja bahasa Inggris yang mengacu pada pembersihan seperti "wipe", "disinfect", dan "rinse".
Kartu flash
to clean someone or something with water, often with a type of soap

mencuci, membersihkan

to clean something quickly with water, often without using soap, in order to remove dirt or other substances

membilas, mengosok dengan cepat

to bathe under a continuous flow of water, typically for cleansing the body

mandi, bermandi

to wash or clean the body by putting it in water or pouring water over it

mandi, mencuci

to clean something thoroughly by scrubbing it hard with a rough or tough material

menggosok, mengupil

to destroy bacteria, virus, etc. by cleaning with a special substance

mensterilkan, membersihkan dengan disinfektan

to remove all bacteria or other microorganisms from something

mensterilkan, mendisinfeksi

to clean something thoroughly to reduce or eliminate germs, bacteria, or other harmful microorganisms

mensterilkan, membersihkan

to remove unnecessary or unwanted items or things from a place

membersihkan, mengosongkan

to clean plates, cups, bowls, or other kitchen items after eating

mencuci piring, mencuci peralatan makan

to make a place neat and orderly by putting things away, cleaning, or organizing

merapikan, membersihkan

to remove or neutralize unpleasant smells from something

deodoran, menghilangkan bau

to collect and remove dirt or trash, typically from the floor or a surface using a broom

menyapu, mengumpulkan

to completely empty or remove the contents of a space, container, or place, often thorough cleaning

mengosongkan sepenuhnya, membersihkan dengan teliti

to clean something by using water to make the dirt or other substances go away

mencuci, membersihkan

to remove or neutralize harmful substances from something

dekontaminasi, menetralisir

to make a place, substance, etc. dirty or harmful by adding dangerous material

mengkontaminasi, mencemari

to damage the environment by releasing harmful chemicals or substances to the air, water, or land

mencemari, mengotori

to make a dirty mark by rubbing or spreading something on a surface

mengotori, membekas

to infect or dirty something with a disease or harmful microorganism

mengotori, mencemari

to make a place dirty by leaving trash or waste scattered around

membuang sampah, mengotori

to damage the appearance of something by causing a flaw or imperfection

merusak, membobol