
Slovesa Související s Tématem - Slovesa související s čištěním

Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa vztahující se k čištění, jako je „otřít“, „dezinfikovat“ a „oplachovat“.









Začněte se učit
Categorized English Topic-related Verbs
to clean

to make something have no bacteria, marks, or dirt

čistit, uklízet

čistit, uklízet

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to wipe

to clean or dry a surface using a cloth, etc.

utřít, očistit

utřít, očistit

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to wash

to clean someone or something with water, often with a type of soap

mýt, čistit

mýt, čistit

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to rinse

to clean something quickly with water, often without using soap, in order to remove dirt or other substances

propláchnout, opláchnout rychle

propláchnout, opláchnout rychle

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to shower

to bathe under a continuous flow of water, typically for cleansing the body

osprchovat se, vzít si sprchu

osprchovat se, vzít si sprchu

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to bathe

to wash or clean the body by putting it in water or pouring water over it

koupat, mýt

koupat, mýt

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to scour

to clean something thoroughly by scrubbing it hard with a rough or tough material

drhnout, škrabat

drhnout, škrabat

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to disinfect

to destroy bacteria, virus, etc. by cleaning with a special substance

dezinfikovat, vyčistit dezinfekčním prostředkem

dezinfikovat, vyčistit dezinfekčním prostředkem

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to sterilize

to remove all bacteria or other microorganisms from something

sterilizovat, dezinfikovat

sterilizovat, dezinfikovat

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to sanitize

to clean something thoroughly to reduce or eliminate germs, bacteria, or other harmful microorganisms

dezinfikovat, sanitizovat

dezinfikovat, sanitizovat

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to launder

to wash, clean, and iron clothes and linens

prat, žehlit

prat, žehlit

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to clear out

to remove unnecessary or unwanted items or things from a place

vyklidit, čistit

vyklidit, čistit

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to wash up

to clean plates, cups, bowls, or other kitchen items after eating

umýt nádobí, mýt nádobí

umýt nádobí, mýt nádobí

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to tidy up

to make a place neat and orderly by putting things away, cleaning, or organizing

uklízet, uspořádat

uklízet, uspořádat

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to deodorize

to remove or neutralize unpleasant smells from something

deodorovat, neutralizovat zápach

deodorovat, neutralizovat zápach

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to sweep up

to collect and remove dirt or trash, typically from the floor or a surface using a broom

zamést, sebrat

zamést, sebrat

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to clean out

to completely empty or remove the contents of a space, container, or place, often thorough cleaning

vyčistit, vyprazdnit

vyčistit, vyprazdnit

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to wash away

to clean something by using water to make the dirt or other substances go away

umýt, čistit

umýt, čistit

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to decontaminate

to remove or neutralize harmful substances from something

dekontaminovat, neutralizovat

dekontaminovat, neutralizovat

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to contaminate

to make a place, substance, etc. dirty or harmful by adding dangerous material

znečišťovat, kontaminovat

znečišťovat, kontaminovat

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to pollute

to damage the environment by releasing harmful chemicals or substances to the air, water, or land

znečišťovat, kontaminovat

znečišťovat, kontaminovat

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to smudge

to make a dirty mark by rubbing or spreading something on a surface

zanechat skvrnu, rozmazat

zanechat skvrnu, rozmazat

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to taint

to infect or dirty something with a disease or harmful microorganism

znečistit, poskvrnit

znečistit, poskvrnit

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to litter

to make a place dirty by leaving trash or waste scattered around

znečišťovat, poslůvat

znečišťovat, poslůvat

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to blemish

to damage the appearance of something by causing a flaw or imperfection

poškodit, znesvěcovat

poškodit, znesvěcovat

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to grime

to dirty something with a layer of dirt, grease, or filth

znečistit, umaštit

znečistit, umaštit

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