
Pelatihan Umum IELTS (Band 8 dan di Atas) - Perjalanan dan Migrasi

Di sini, Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris terkait Perjalanan dan Migrasi yang diperlukan untuk ujian General Training IELTS.




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Vocabulary for General Training IELTS (8)

the activity of visiting the countryside and staying with local farmers in rural areas of a foreign country



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[Kata benda]

a vacation that one spends at or near one's home instead of traveling somewhere

liburan di rumah

liburan di rumah

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[Kata benda]
luggage carousel

a rotating conveyor system at an airport where checked luggage is delivered to passengers after a flight

perangkat yang mengantarkan bagasi terdaftar kepada penumpang

perangkat yang mengantarkan bagasi terdaftar kepada penumpang

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an inn or a place that provides lodging, especially for travelers or guests



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rack rate

the standard or published price for a hotel room or service before any discounts or special offers are applied

harga standar

harga standar

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someone whose job is parking customers' cars at restaurants or hotels

petugas parkir (hotel dan restoran)

petugas parkir (hotel dan restoran)

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bucket shop

a travel agency or ticket seller that offers inexpensive or discounted fares, often with a focus on budget or low-cost travel options

toko ember

toko ember

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tourist trap

a place, often a popular attraction, that tends to overcharge tourists or offer low-quality goods or experiences for the sake of profit

tempat yang menjual barang-barang berkualitas rendah dengan harga tinggi kepada wisatawan

tempat yang menjual barang-barang berkualitas rendah dengan harga tinggi kepada wisatawan

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[Kata benda]

the act of forcing someone out of a country, usually because they do not have the legal right to stay there or because they have broken the law

mengusir seseorang dari tanah kelahirannya

mengusir seseorang dari tanah kelahirannya

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the illegal practice of forcing the asylum seekers or the refugees to return to the country where they are at risk of prosecution

pemulangan para pengungsi

pemulangan para pengungsi

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an individual who has left their native country to settle in another due to political reasons, war, or other upheavals



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[Kata benda]
estimated time of departure

the time at which an aircraft, ship, etc. is scheduled for departure

perkiraan waktu keberangkatan

perkiraan waktu keberangkatan

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estimated time of arrival

the time at which one is likely to arrive at one's destination

perkiraan waktu mencapai tujuan seseorang

perkiraan waktu mencapai tujuan seseorang

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[Kata benda]

a person who has returned to their home country after living abroad

imigran yang telah kembali ke negara asalnya

imigran yang telah kembali ke negara asalnya

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[Kata benda]
to expatriate

to banish or force an individual to live in another country

mengusir seseorang

mengusir seseorang

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[kata kerja]
to detrain

to get off a train

turun dari kereta

turun dari kereta

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[kata kerja]
to deplane

to leave an aircraft after it has landed

turun dari pesawat

turun dari pesawat

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[kata kerja]
to alight

to settle or land on a surface, often referring to a bird or insect

menetap di suatu permukaan

menetap di suatu permukaan

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[kata kerja]
to detour

to take or lead on a roundabout way, especially when a more direct route is unavailable or blocked

bepergian melalui jalan memutar

bepergian melalui jalan memutar

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to derail

(of a train) to accidentally go off the tracks

menjadi tergelincir

menjadi tergelincir

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to ply

to travel along a specific path on a regular basis

melakukan perjalanan secara teratur

melakukan perjalanan secara teratur

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[kata kerja]
to naturalize

to admit a foreigner as an official citizen in a country

menerima seseorang sebagai warga negara

menerima seseorang sebagai warga negara

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[kata kerja]
bed and breakfast

a small hotel or guesthouse that provides the residents with a resting place and breakfast

wisma kecil

wisma kecil

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internally displaced person

a person who has been forced to flee their home but remains within their country's borders due to conflict, violence, natural disasters, or human rights violations

imigran yang tidak dapat meninggalkan negaranya karena perang

imigran yang tidak dapat meninggalkan negaranya karena perang

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a female individual who has left their country to live elsewhere, often for political reasons

imigran perempuan

imigran perempuan

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