Elenco di Parole Livello B1 - Soldi e Acquisti
Qui imparerai alcune parole inglesi sul denaro e sullo shopping, come "afford", "change", "bargain", ecc. Preparate per studenti di livello B1.
the money that is returned to us when we have paid more than the actual cost of something

resto, cambio

to ask a person to pay a certain amount of money in return for a product or service

a piece of metal, typically round and flat, used as money, issued by governments

a stand or a small table or shop with an open front where people sell their goods

stallo, chiosco
to bring back a purchased item to the seller in order to receive a refund

restituire, riportare

an arrangement according to which a bank keeps and protects someone's money that can be taken out or added to

to have the responsibility of paying someone back a certain amount of money that was borrowed

essere in debito di
the ability to buy something from a shop or receive money from a bank based on trust, without paying for it immediately

a sum of money that has to be paid, based on one's income, to the government so it can provide people with different kinds of public services

(usually plural) anything that a person has or owns at a specific time

the act or process of transforming raw materials or different components into goods that can be used by customers

a unit of currency or coin used in several countries, equal to one hundredth of a dollar or pound
