Avverbi Relazionali - Avverbi di affari e di mestiere
Questi avverbi sono legati ai lavori e alle imprese e al loro sistema di gestione, come "amministrativamente", "contrattualmente", "strategicamente", ecc.
regarding the organization, management, and coordination of tasks within a system or institution
amministrativamente, in modo amministrativo
regarding the structure, management, or overall functioning of an organization or group
organizzativamente, sotto il profilo organizzativo
with authority, expertise, and a commanding or official demeanor
in modo autorevole, con autorità
with regard to industry, manufacturing, or large-scale production processes
industrialmente, in modo industriale
regarding institutions, organizations, or the established systems and practices within them
istituzionalmente, sotto un profilo istituzionale
in a manner that relates to tactics, strategies, or specific methods employed to achieve a particular goal or outcome
tatticamente, in modo tattico
in a manner that relates to strategies, plans, or the overall approach designed to achieve long-term goals or objectives
strategicamente, in modo strategico
with regard to the operation, performance, or practical use of something in a specific way
funzionalmente, sotto il profilo funzionale
with regard to the operation, execution, or functioning of a system, organization, or process
operativamente, da un punto di vista operativo
with the formal authority, approval, or acknowledgment of a government, organization, or relevant authority
ufficialmente, in modo ufficiale
without approval from a government, organization, or relevant authority
non ufficialmente, informalmente
in accordance with established procedures, rules, or official protocols
without strict adherence to established procedures, rules, or official protocols
in modo informale
in a manner that relates to the organization, planning, and coordination of operations or activities
logisticamente, dal punto di vista logistico