Accademico IELTS (Banda 6-7) - Disastri
Qui imparerai alcune parole inglesi relative ai disastri che sono necessarie per l'esame IELTS accademico.
a strong and dangerous type of wind, which is formed like a turning cone, usually causing damage

a tropical storm with violent winds moving in a circle that form over the western Pacific Ocean

a sudden fall of a large mass of dirt or rock down a mountainside or cliff

a very large ocean wave caused by a storm or an underwater earthquake that when hits the land causes a lot of destruction

a swirling mass of fluid with a rotating motion, often forming a funnel shape

vortice, girotondo

a large amount of mud and other materials that quickly moves down a hill, usually triggered by heavy rain or earthquake

the number of individuals who die as a result of an accident, war, etc.

numero di morti, bilancio delle vittime

an individual, such as a paramedic, police officer, or firefighter, trained to provide immediate assistance and care in emergencies or crisis situations

primo interventore, soccorritore

a tremor or earthquake that occurs beneath the ocean floor

terremoto sottomarino, tremore sottomarino

the action of transferring people or being transferred to somewhere else to be safe from a dangerous situation

a strong wind, mostly in a desert, that lifts particles of sand and blows them around

tempesta di sabbia
a very high wave or series of waves caused by an undersea earthquake or volcanic eruption
