TOEFL のための上級語彙 - 説得と同意
to agree and not oppose to something that one generally finds unacceptable or unpleasant

容認する, 支持する

to make someone do something specific, often by offering something attractive

引きつける, 誘惑する

to gradually move oneself or a thing into a particular place or position by elusive manipulation

ほのめかす, 巧みに導入する

to persuade someone to do what one wants by threatening them or giving them money

賄賂を渡す, 脅す

a feeling or an idea suggested by a word aside from its literal or primary meaning

含意, 暗示

nice things that are done for someone or said to them to persuade them to do something particular

お世辞, 口車

a difficult situation where progress is not possible because the people involved are unable to come to an agreement

行き詰まり, 膠着状態

a division between a group of people caused by their disagreement over beliefs or views

分裂, 亀裂