Vocabular Avansat pentru TOEFL - Persuasiune și acord
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză despre persuasiune și acord, cum ar fi „accede”, „entice”, „rupture”, etc., care sunt necesare pentru examenul TOEFL.
Fișe de studiu
to agree to something such as a request, proposal, demand, etc.
accepta, a consimți
to reluctantly accept something without protest
a consimți, a se conforma
to agree and not oppose to something that one generally finds unacceptable or unpleasant
a tolera, a sprijini
to express one's disagreement, refusal, or reluctance
a obiecta, a refuza
to make someone do something specific, often by offering something attractive
atrage, seduce
to gradually move oneself or a thing into a particular place or position by elusive manipulation
a insinua, a introduce subtil
to bring up a topic or question for discussion
a aduce în discuție, a discuta
to persuade someone to do what one wants by threatening them or giving them money
mitui, a amenința
to persuade and convince a person to do something
a convinge, a determina
displaying a willingness to start an argument, fight, or war
belicos, agresiv
serving as a clear sign or signal of something
indicativ, semnificativ
suggested or understood without being verbally expressed
tacit, subînțeles
the act of officially abolishing or ending a law, agreement, etc.
abrogare, revocare
a feeling or an idea suggested by a word aside from its literal or primary meaning
conotație, semnificație conotativă
nice things that are done for someone or said to them to persuade them to do something particular
aprecieri, complimente
willingness to do what makes others pleased and accept their opinions
complacență, consimțire
a difference in interests, views, opinions, etc.
divergență, diferentă
the action or process of trying very hard to persuade someone to do something
exhortare, îndemn
an angry speech that is loud and lengthy
harangue, discurs vehement
the wish to do or have something, especially something improper or foolish
the act of validating an agreement by signing it or voting for it
ratificare, validare
a situation in which all those involved are in complete agreement on something
unanimitate, acord unanim
sharp disagreements between people that last for a long time
duel, dispută
a difficult situation where progress is not possible because the people involved are unable to come to an agreement
impas, blocaj
a division between a group of people caused by their disagreement over beliefs or views
schismă, diviziune
a short, political argument, particularly between rivals
ciocnire, dispută
a violent argument between two groups in which members of each side make attempts to murder the members of the opposing side in retaliation for things that occurred in the past
vendetta, răzbunare