
最も一般的な500の英語動詞 - 上位 51 ~ 75 の動詞

ここでは、「待つ」、「信じる」、「笑う」など、英語で最も一般的な動詞のリストのパート 3 を提供します。









Most Common Verbs in English Vocabulary
to eat

to put food into the mouth, then chew and swallow it

食べる, 喫食する

食べる, 喫食する

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to believe

to accept something to be true even without proof

信じる, 考える

信じる, 考える

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to write

to make letters, words, or numbers on a surface, usually on a piece of paper, with a pen or pencil

書く, 記入する

書く, 記入する

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to speak

to talk to someone about something

話す, 話しかける

話す, 話しかける

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to laugh

to make happy sounds and move our face like we are smiling because something is funny

笑う, 笑い声を上げる

笑う, 笑い声を上げる

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to wait

to not leave until a person or thing is ready or present or something happens

待つ, 待機する

待つ, 待機する

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to run

to move using our legs, faster than we usually walk, in a way that both feet are never on the ground at the same time

走る, 急ぐ

走る, 急ぐ

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to begin

to do or experience the first part of something

始める, 開始する

始める, 開始する

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to stop

to not move anymore

止まる, 停止する

止まる, 停止する

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to buy

to get something in exchange for paying money

買う, 購入する

買う, 購入する

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to lose

to not know the location of a thing or person and be unable to find it

失う, 紛失する

失う, 紛失する

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to pay

to give someone money in exchange for goods or services

支払う, 決済する

支払う, 決済する

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to read

to look at written or printed words or symbols and understand their meaning



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to hit

to strike someone or something with force using one's hand or an object

叩く, 打つ

叩く, 打つ

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to include

to have something as a part of the whole

含む, 含まれる

含む, 含まれる

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to build

to put together different materials such as brick to make a building, etc.

建設する, 作る

建設する, 作る

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to hold

to have in your hands or arms

持つ, 保持する

持つ, 保持する

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to allow

to let someone or something do a particular thing

許可する, 認める

許可する, 認める

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to stay

to remain in a particular place

滞在する, いる

滞在する, いる

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to spend

to use money as a payment for services, goods, etc.

使う, 支出する

使う, 支出する

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to sit

to put our bottom on something like a chair or the ground while keeping our back straight

座る, 座っている

座る, 座っている

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to follow

to move or travel behind someone or something

従う, 追う

従う, 追う

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to grow

to get larger and taller and become an adult over time

成長する, 育つ

成長する, 育つ

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to lead

to go in front of or beside someone or something in order to show them the way or to make them go in a particular direction

導く, リードする

導く, リードする

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to continue

to not stop something, such as a task or activity, and keep doing it

続ける, 継続する

続ける, 継続する

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