最も一般的な250の英語句動詞 - 上位 26 ~ 50 の句動詞
ここでは、「ask for」、「get up」、「put in」など、英語で最も一般的な句動詞のリストのパート 2 を提供します。
to move on
to accept a change or a new situation and be ready to continue with one's life and deal with new experiences, especially after a bad experience such as a breakup

先に進む, 移行する

to turn on
to cause a machine, device, or system to start working or flowing, usually by pressing a button or turning a switch

オンにする, 起動する

to hear from
to be contacted by a person or an entity, usually by letter, email, or phone call

聞く, 連絡を受ける

to talk down
to speak to someone in a way that suggests they are inferior or less intelligent than the speaker

見下すように話す, 軽視する

