250 Cele Mai Comune Verbe Frasale în Engleză - Top 26 - 50 de verbe frazale
Aici vi se oferă partea a 2-a a listei cu cele mai comune phrasal verbe în engleză, cum ar fi „ask for”, „get up” și „put in”.
Fișe de studiu
to place or wear something on the body, including clothes, accessories, etc.
a îmbrăca, a pune pe
to state that one wants to see or speak to someone specific
a cere să-l vadă pe, a solicita să vorbească cu
to unlock or unfold something that was previously closed or shut
debloca, a deschide
to accept a change or a new situation and be ready to continue with one's life and deal with new experiences, especially after a bad experience such as a breakup
a merge mai departe, a trece peste
to cause a machine, device, or system to start working or flowing, usually by pressing a button or turning a switch
a porni, a activa
to show something to someone by pointing one's finger toward it
a indica, a arăta
to be contacted by a person or an entity, usually by letter, email, or phone call
auzi de, primești vești de
to stop trying when faced with failures or difficulties
renunța, a lăsa deoparte
to thoroughly review, examine, or check something
a revizui, a verifica
to spend much time in a specific place or with someone particular
a petrece timpul, a se întâlni
to speak to someone in a way that suggests they are inferior or less intelligent than the speaker
a vorbi cu superioritate, a subestima
to remove a piece of clothing or accessory from your or another's body
a da jos, a îndepărta
to believe that something is morally right or acceptable
a fi de acord cu, a accepta
to seek guidance, help, or advice from someone
a se îndrepta către, a apela la
(of a machine or vehicle) to stop working as a result of a malfunction
a se defecta, a ceda
to not let someone leave a particular place
a păstra înăuntru, a opri
to know about somebody or something because one has received information or news about them
a auzi de, a afla despre