
本 Total English - 中級 - ユニット 4 - リファレンス - パート 1

ここでは、Total English Intermediate コースブックの Unit 4 - Reference - Part 1 にある「inherit」、「drop out」、「wisely」などの語彙が見つかります。









Total English - Intermediate
to earn

to get money for the job that we do or services that we provide

稼ぐ, 得る

稼ぐ, 得る

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the worth of something in money



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to spare

to use time or resources in a careful and frugal way, avoiding waste

節約する, 無駄を省く

節約する, 無駄を省く

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to inherit

to receive money, property, etc. from someone who has passed away

相続する, 遺産を受け取る

相続する, 遺産を受け取る

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to invest

to buy houses, shares, lands, etc. with the hope of gaining a profit

投資する, 置く

投資する, 置く

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the assigned or estimated value of something, without necessarily specifying a particular quantity or amount

価値, 功績

価値, 功績

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to lend

to give someone something, like money, expecting them to give it back after a while

貸す, 融資する

貸す, 融資する

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to steal

to take something from someone or somewhere without permission or paying for it

盗む, 奪う

盗む, 奪う

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in a manner that reflects intelligence, good judgment, and experience

賢く, 理知的に

賢く, 理知的に

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to waste

to use something without care or more than needed

浪費する, 使いすぎる

浪費する, 使いすぎる

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to break up

to end a relationship, typically a romantic or sexual one

別れる, 破局する

別れる, 破局する

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to catch up

to go faster and reach someone or something that is ahead

追いつく, 追いかける

追いつく, 追いかける

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to drop out

to stop going to school, university, or college before finishing one's studies

退学する, 中退する

退学する, 中退する

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to end up

to eventually reach or find oneself in a particular place, situation, or condition, often unexpectedly or as a result of circumstances

行き着く, 終わりになる

行き着く, 終わりになる

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to grow up

to change from being a child into an adult little by little

成長する, 大人になる

成長する, 大人になる

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to make up

to create a false or fictional story or information

作り上げる, 創作する

作り上げる, 創作する

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to pick up

to acquire a new skill or language through practice and application rather than formal instruction

習得する, 身につける

習得する, 身につける

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to work out

to exercise in order to get healthier or stronger

運動する, ワークアウトする

運動する, ワークアウトする

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trying or wishing to gain great success, power, or wealth

野心的, 野心的

野心的, 野心的

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having an attractive and pleasing quality

魅力的な, チャーミング

魅力的な, チャーミング

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having a strong belief in one's abilities or qualities

自信に満ちた, 確信している

自信に満ちた, 確信している

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having or displaying a strong will to achieve a goal despite the challenges or obstacles

決意した, 決定的な

決意した, 決定的な

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having an excessive focus on oneself and one's own interests, often at the expense of others

自己中心的な, エゴイスティックな

自己中心的な, エゴイスティックな

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making exaggerated or overly ambitious claims, promises, or statements that are often not grounded in reality

贅沢な, 派手な

贅沢な, 派手な

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capable of adjusting easily to different situations, circumstances, or needs

柔軟な, 適応性のある

柔軟な, 適応性のある

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having a willingness to freely give or share something with others, without expecting anything in return

寛大な, 気前の良い

寛大な, 気前の良い

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sense of humor

one's ability to say funny things or be amused by jokes and other things meant to make one laugh


a positive quality or attribute that enhances or enriches the overall value or effectiveness of a person or thing

強さ, 力

強さ, 力

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a flaw or limitation in one's character, behavior, or judgment

弱点, 欠点

弱点, 欠点

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to say

to use words and our voice to show what we are thinking or feeling

言う, 表現する

言う, 表現する

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to tell

to use words and give someone information

言う, 伝える

言う, 伝える

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the act of going to a different place, usually a place that is far

旅行, 移動

旅行, 移動

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a journey that you take for fun or a particular reason, generally for a short amount of time

旅行, 小旅行

旅行, 小旅行

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something that we do regularly to earn money

仕事, 雇用

仕事, 雇用

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the work that we do regularly to earn money

仕事, 職

仕事, 職

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(of a person) behaving in a way that is unkind or cruel

意地悪な, 冷酷な

意地悪な, 冷酷な

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to run out

to use the available supply of something, leaving too little or none

使い果たす, 尽きる

使い果たす, 尽きる

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