to transform from a liquid or flexible state into a stable, firm, or compact form

固まる, 凝固する

to melt a material or object with intense heat in order to join it with something else

融解する, 溶接する

to cause something or a group of things or people to divide into smaller parts or groups

分ける, 分割する

to cause a profound change in the form, structure, or substance of something

変態させる, 変化させる

to change something's nature, appearance, or substance into something different and usually better

変換する, 変化させる

to make something change from a particular state, condition or position to another

移行する, 変える

to slightly alter or move something in order to improve it or make it work better

調整する, 適応させる

to reduce the thickness or height of something, making it less raised or elevated in its shape or form

平らにする, フラットにする

to crush something into small particles by rubbing or pressing it against a hard surface

挽く, 砕く

to rub a surface with sandpaper or another abrasive material to smooth, shape, or remove imperfections

サンディングする, 研磨する

to force or shape a material, often a plastic or metal, through a die or a mold to create a specific form

押し出す, 押出する

to make a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling worse or more severe

悪化させる, agravere