
アカデミック IELTS (バンド 8 以上) - 動き










Vocabulary for Academic IELTS (8)
to waddle

to walk with short, clumsy steps and a swaying motion from side to side, typically as a result of being overweight or having short legs

よちよち歩く, フラフラと歩く

よちよち歩く, フラフラと歩く

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to wobble

to move with an unsteady, rocking, or swaying motion, often implying a lack of stability or balance

揺れる, 不安定に動く

揺れる, 不安定に動く

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to meander

(of a river, trail, etc.) to follow along a curvy or indirect path

曲がりくねる, meanderする

曲がりくねる, meanderする

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to trot

to run faster than a walk but slower than a full sprint

トロットする, さっさと走る

トロットする, さっさと走る

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to stomp

to tread heavily and forcefully, often with a rhythmic or deliberate motion

踏みつける, ドスンと歩く

踏みつける, ドスンと歩く

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to scuttle

to move quickly and with short, hasty steps

急いで動く, とても早く走る

急いで動く, とても早く走る

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to cartwheel

to perform a gymnastic move involving rolling the body sideways in a full circle, typically with arms and legs extended

側転する, カートウィールする

側転する, カートウィールする

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to wriggle

to twist, turn, or move with quick, contorted motions

くねくねする, 涼む

くねくねする, 涼む

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to somersault

to perform a gymnastic or acrobatic movement in which the body makes a complete revolution, typically forwards or backwards, with the feet passing over the head

宙返りする, 前宙返りする

宙返りする, 前宙返りする

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to flit

to move quickly and lightly from somewhere or something to another

ひらひら移動する, 軽やかに移動する

ひらひら移動する, 軽やかに移動する

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to jig

to dance, move, or skip with quick, lively steps

踊る, 跳ねる

踊る, 跳ねる

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to dart

to move swiftly and abruptly in a particular direction

飛び出す, 急いで動く

飛び出す, 急いで動く

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to haul

to pull something or someone along the ground, usually with difficulty

引っ張る, 運ぶ

引っ張る, 運ぶ

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to slither

to move smoothly and quietly, like a snake

滑る, 這う

滑る, 這う

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to revolve

to turn or move around an axis or center

回転する, 周囲を回る

回転する, 周囲を回る

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to clamber

to climb a surface using hands and feet

よじ登る, 登る

よじ登る, 登る

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to flop

to move in a loose, uncontrolled, or erratic manner

跳ねる, たわむ

跳ねる, たわむ

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to bolt

to move or run away quickly and unexpectedly

逃げる, 飛び去る

逃げる, 飛び去る

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to plop

to fall or drop with a soft, muffled sound

ぽちゃぽちゃする, 落ちる

ぽちゃぽちゃする, 落ちる

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to careen

to quickly move forward while also swaying left and right in an uncontrolled and dangerous way

急発進する, ふらふらと動く

急発進する, ふらふらと動く

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to skid

to slide or slip uncontrollably, usually on a slippery surface

スリップする, 滑る

スリップする, 滑る

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to zip

to move rapidly

素早く移動する, 疾走する

素早く移動する, 疾走する

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to whisk

to move quickly and lightly in a particular direction or manner

素早く動く, ひらりと動く

素早く動く, ひらりと動く

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to streak

to move swiftly in a specified direction, leaving a visible trail or mark

疾走する, 駆け抜ける

疾走する, 駆け抜ける

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to bog down

to get stuck in mud or wet ground, preventing movement

動けなくなる, 泥に嵌まる

動けなくなる, 泥に嵌まる

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