
映画と劇場 - 映画のジャンル










Words Related to Cinema and Theater
action film

a film genre that has a lot of exciting events, and usually contains violence

アクション映画, アクションフィルム

アクション映画, アクションフィルム

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disaster film

a genre of film that typically portrays a catastrophic event or situation, such as natural disasters or human-made crises, and the resulting impact on characters and society

災害映画, ディザスター映画

災害映画, ディザスター映画

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Heroic Bloodshed

a Hong Kong action film subgenre characterized by stylized gunfights, themes of brotherhood and honor, and a personal code of justice



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martial arts film

a genre of action films that feature extensive combat scenes, often highlighting the skills of the performers, and are typically associated with East Asian cinema

武道映画, マーシャルアーツ映画

武道映画, マーシャルアーツ映画

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spy film

a genre of cinema that often involves espionage, secret agents, and political plots, and typically features action, suspense, and espionage techniques such as gadgets and disguises

スパイ映画, スパイフィルム

スパイ映画, スパイフィルム

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superhero film

a film genre featuring a heroic protagonist with extraordinary abilities or powers, often in a comic book format, fighting a supervillain or a threat to humanity

スーパーヒーロー映画, スーパーヒーローフィルム

スーパーヒーロー映画, スーパーヒーローフィルム

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war film

a type of movie that shows stories about wars and the people involved, with a focus on action, drama, and the effects of war

戦争映画, 戦争をテーマにした映画

戦争映画, 戦争をテーマにした映画

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pirate film

a genre of movie that is mainly about pirates, their way of life, and their adventures

海賊映画, 海賊を題材にした映画

海賊映画, 海賊を題材にした映画

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adventure film

a movie genre where the characters go on an exciting and sometimes dangerous journey to different places

アドベンチャー映画, 冒険映画

アドベンチャー映画, 冒険映画

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swashbuckler film

a type of adventure film that typically features flashy sword fights, heroic characters, and romance, often set in historical periods or fictional worlds

冒険映画, 剣劇映画

冒険映画, 剣劇映画

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samurai film

a movie genre that features Japanese warriors known as samurai, often set in feudal Japan, and typically involves sword fights, honor codes, and themes of loyalty and sacrifice

サムライ映画, 武士映画

サムライ映画, 武士映画

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a movie in which animated characters move

アニメーション, アニメ

アニメーション, アニメ

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comedy film

a film genre that aims to entertain and make audiences laugh, typically through humorous situations, exaggerated characters, witty dialogue, and clever plot twists

コメディ映画, ギャグ映画

コメディ映画, ギャグ映画

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action comedy

a movie genre that combines elements of both action and comedy, typically featuring fast-paced action scenes and humorous moments to create an entertaining and often lighthearted film

アクションコメディ, アクション・コメディー

アクションコメディ, アクション・コメディー

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buddy comedy

a type of comedy film that centers around the humorous interactions and adventures of two unlikely friends or partners, often with contrasting personalities or backgrounds

バディコメディ, コンビコメディ

バディコメディ, コンビコメディ

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black comedy

a genre of comedy that uses topics and situations that are usually considered taboo or tragic, such as death, disease, war, and crime, to create humor

ブラックコメディ, ダークコメディ

ブラックコメディ, ダークコメディ

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a fictional film or television show presented in a documentary style, often using satire and humor to comment on real-life events or social issues

モキュメンタリー, 架空のドキュメンタリー

モキュメンタリー, 架空のドキュメンタリー

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parody film

a comedic work that intentionally imitates and exaggerates the style, tone, and content of another film or genre, often for the purpose of satire or ridicule

パロディ映画, コメディパロディ

パロディ映画, コメディパロディ

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romantic comedy

a genre of movie that depicts the comic events resulting in the development of a romantic relationship



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screwball comedy

a type of romantic comedy characterized by fast-paced humor, witty dialogue, and unconventional romantic relationships involving eccentric characters

スクリューボールコメディ, 狂ったコメディ

スクリューボールコメディ, 狂ったコメディ

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slapstick film

a type of comedy that relies on physical humor and exaggerated, often violent, actions and movements, typically with little to no dialogue, to create comedic effect

スラップスティック映画, スラップスティックコメディ

スラップスティック映画, スラップスティックコメディ

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a movie or television show based on real events, but not accurate in all the details

ドキュドラマ, ドキュメントドラマ

ドキュドラマ, ドキュメントドラマ

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legal drama

a genre of television, film, or literature that focuses on legal cases and the courtroom, often involving lawyers, judges, and the legal system

法廷ドラマ, 法律ドラマ

法廷ドラマ, 法律ドラマ

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medical drama

a genre of television, film, or literature that focuses on medical cases and the lives of healthcare professionals, often involving intense situations and medical emergencies

メディカルドラマ, 医療ドラマ

メディカルドラマ, 医療ドラマ

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a dramatic genre characterized by exaggerated emotions, intense conflicts, etc., often trying to create strong emotional reactions in the audience



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political drama

a genre of television, film, or literature that focuses on political conflicts and the workings of government, often involving power struggles, scandals, and controversies

政治ドラマ, 政治的なドラマ

政治ドラマ, 政治的なドラマ

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psychological drama

a play or motion picture that mainly focuses on the psychological condition of the characters rather than the events

心理的ドラマ, 心理劇

心理的ドラマ, 心理劇

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teen drama

a genre of television, film, or literature that focuses on the lives and experiences of teenagers, often exploring themes related to adolescence, such as identity, relationships, and coming of age

ティーンドラマ, 青春ドラマ

ティーンドラマ, 青春ドラマ

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a type of story, movie, etc. based on imagination, often involving magic and adventure

ファンタジー, 幻想

ファンタジー, 幻想

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historical film

a genre of cinema that depicts past events and people, often with an emphasis on historical accuracy, costumes, and settings

歴史映画, ヒストリカルフィルム

歴史映画, ヒストリカルフィルム

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biographical film

a genre of cinema that depicts the life story of a real person or group of people, often with a focus on their achievements, struggles, and personal relationships

伝記映画, バイオピック

伝記映画, バイオピック

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historical drama

a genre of storytelling that depicts historical events and people in a dramatic style, often with a focus on authenticity and accuracy, and can be found in film, television, or theater

歴史ドラマ, 歴史的劇

歴史ドラマ, 歴史的劇

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horror film

a film genre that has a lot of unnatural or frightening events intending to scare people

ホラー映画, 恐怖映画

ホラー映画, 恐怖映画

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a horror movie in which characters are brutalized and murdered by an unknown person

ホラー映画, スラッシャー

ホラー映画, スラッシャー

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splatter film

a subgenre of horror cinema that focuses on excessive graphic violence and gore, often depicting the spraying or splattering of blood and bodily fluids

スプラッターフィルム, 過激な暴力映画

スプラッターフィルム, 過激な暴力映画

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zombie film

a genre of horror cinema that typically features undead creatures who rise from the dead and hunger for human flesh

ゾンビ映画, 死者の映画

ゾンビ映画, 死者の映画

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any theatrical performance that combines singing, dancing, and acting to tell a story

ミュージカル, 音楽劇

ミュージカル, 音楽劇

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a long movie full of adventure that could be about a historical event

叙事詩, エピック映画

叙事詩, エピック映画

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film noir

a type of movie involving crime including shadowy footage and dark background music that depicted cynical characters caught in dangerous situations

フィルム・ノワール, ノワール映画

フィルム・ノワール, ノワール映画

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a subgenre of film noir with a contemporary setting, complex characters, and elements of other genres, while still featuring a dark and pessimistic tone

ネオノワール, ネオノワール映画

ネオノワール, ネオノワール映画

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a subgenre of science fiction and crime films that blends film noir and cyberpunk elements, with a focus on advanced technology, artificial intelligence, and dystopian futures

テクノノワール, サイバーノワール

テクノノワール, サイバーノワール

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a novel or movie about love

恋愛小説, ロマンス

恋愛小説, ロマンス

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historical romance

a genre of television, cinema, or literature that typically features a love story set in a historical period, often with a focus on the social customs, clothing, and architecture of the time



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paranormal romance

a subgenre of romance films that often features supernatural creatures, such as vampires, werewolves, or ghosts, as the love interest or as a key element of the story

超自然的なロマンス, パラノーマルロマンス

超自然的なロマンス, パラノーマルロマンス

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romantic fantasy

a subgenre of fantasy films that typically combines elements of romance and fantasy, often featuring a love story between human characters and mythical creatures or set in a magical world

ロマンチックファンタジー, ロマンティックファンタジー

ロマンチックファンタジー, ロマンティックファンタジー

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romantic thriller

a subgenre of thriller films that typically combines elements of romance and suspense, often featuring a love story between the main characters amidst a dangerous or thrilling plot

ロマンティックスリラー, ロマンススリラー

ロマンティックスリラー, ロマンススリラー

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science fiction

books, movies, etc. about imaginary things based on science



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dystopian film

a subgenre of science fiction that often portrays a bleak and oppressive future society, with themes of totalitarianism, environmental disaster, or other societal collapse

ディストピア映画, ディストピアフィルム

ディストピア映画, ディストピアフィルム

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post-apocalyptic film

a subgenre of science fiction that often depicts a world after a catastrophic event, such as a nuclear war, pandemic, or environmental disaster

ポストアポカリプス映画, ポストアポカリプティック映画

ポストアポカリプス映画, ポストアポカリプティック映画

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military science fiction

a subgenre of sci-fi that focuses on military themes, including futuristic warfare and interstellar travel

軍事SF, ミリタリーサイエンスフィクション

軍事SF, ミリタリーサイエンスフィクション

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steampunk film

a subgenre of science fiction or fantasy that typically features steam-powered machinery, Victorian-era fashion and design, and alternate histories or retro futuristic worlds

スチームパンク映画, スチームパンクフィルム

スチームパンク映画, スチームパンクフィルム

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utopian film

a subgenre of science fiction or speculative fiction that often depicts an idealized society or world that is free from conflict, inequality, or other societal problems

ユートピア映画, ユートピアンフィルム

ユートピア映画, ユートピアンフィルム

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a movie, novel, etc. with an exciting plot that deals with crime

サスペンス, スリラー

サスペンス, スリラー

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psychological thriller

a subgenre of thriller that often explores the inner workings of the human mind, with a focus on psychological suspense, manipulation, and paranoia, rather than physical action or violence

心理的スリラー, 心理スリラー

心理的スリラー, 心理スリラー

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a movie, novel, or play in which a crime takes place, especially a murder, and the story starts unraveling as it goes on

ミステリー, 探偵小説

ミステリー, 探偵小説

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a thriller subgenre that focuses on technology and often features computer systems, hacking, and high-tech elements as key plot points, with the threat of technological disaster or misuse being central to the story

テクノスリラー, テクノスリラー

テクノスリラー, テクノスリラー

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a movie or book that usually involves the lives and adventures of cowboys and settlers in American West

ウエスタン, 西部劇

ウエスタン, 西部劇

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epic Western

a subgenre of the western film that features a larger-than-life story and typically spans a significant period, often including historical events or figures, with a grand scale and cinematic style

エピック・ウェスタン, 壮大なウェスタン

エピック・ウェスタン, 壮大なウェスタン

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revisionist Western

a film that subverts or reimagines traditional western tropes and themes, often presenting a more nuanced and critical portrayal of the American West and its history

リビジョニスト・ウェスタン, リビジョニスト・ウェスタン映画

リビジョニスト・ウェスタン, リビジョニスト・ウェスタン映画

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spaghetti Western

a western movie that is produced in Italy with a low budget

スパゲティ・ウェスタン, イタリアのウェスタン

スパゲティ・ウェスタン, イタリアのウェスタン

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road film

a genre of film in which the main characters embark on a journey or a road trip

ロードムービー, 旅の映画

ロードムービー, 旅の映画

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gangster film

a genre of film that centers around criminal organizations or individuals, often with a focus on organized crime in the United States during the Prohibition era

ギャング映画, 犯罪映画

ギャング映画, 犯罪映画

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erotic film

a type of movie that has a strong focus on sexual themes and content

アダルト映画, エロ映画

アダルト映画, エロ映画

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crime film

a genre of film that focuses on criminal activity, either from the perspective of the criminals or law enforcement officers trying to solve the crime

犯罪映画, クライム映画

犯罪映画, クライム映画

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a movie or TV program based on true stories giving facts about a particular person or event



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a genre of filmmaking that blends elements of documentary and fiction film, using real people or events but often fictionalizing certain aspects of the story for dramatic effect

ドキュフィクション, ドキュメンタリー・フィクション

ドキュフィクション, ドキュメンタリー・フィクション

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