someone who talks a lot, saying things that are stupid or offensive
おしゃべり, 口の悪い人物
having a distrustful or negative outlook, often believing that people are motivated by self-interest
皮肉な, 懐疑的な
expressing or having qualities such as honesty, courage, thoughtfulness, etc. that deserves admiration
高貴な, 崇高な
giving someone or something too much thought or attention in an unusual way
執着的な, 強迫的な
(of a person) resistant to authority or control, often challenging established norms or rules
反抗的な, 反抗的
(of a person) not caring about the needs and feelings of no one but one's own
自己中心的な, 自己中心的な
(of a person) lacking a deep understanding of important or serious matters
表面的, 軽薄な
doubtful about the honesty of what someone has done and having no trust in them
疑わしい, 不審な
behaving in an immoral or evil manner, often causing harm or distress to others
悪党の, 邪悪な
having a lot of information or expertise in a particular subject or field
知識豊富な, 熟練した
(of a young person or child) able to behave reasonably and responsibly, like an adult
成熟した, 大人の
well-known or easily recognizable due to importance, influence, or distinct features
著名な, 際立った
(of a person) avoiding emotions and taking logic into account when making decisions
合理的な, 理性的な
having qualities or characteristics that make it easy for people to connect with or understand
共感できる, 了解できる
behaving in a way that shows the lack of pride or sense of superiority over others
謙虚な, 控え目な
making efforts and able to work hard without needing to be forced
自己モチベーションの, 自己駆動の
thinking deeply about oneself and one's experiences, often resulting in new understandings or realizations
考え深い, 思慮深い
showing respect to what other people say or do even when one disagrees with them
寛容な, 許容的な
(of a person or statement) telling the truth without deceit or falsehood
真実の, 誠実な
(of a person) unwilling to talk to other people or participate in social events
内向的, 引っ込み思案
someone who gives information about other people and their crimes or wrongdoings to the police or authorities
密告者, スパイ
a facial expression that does not reveal a person's feelings or thoughts
ポーカーフェイス, 無表情