책 Four Corners 1 - 7단원 C과
여기에서는 "월", "만두", "자주" 등과 같은 Four Corners 1 코스북의 단원 7 단원 C에 나오는 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.
a dish consisting of small balls of dough that can be baked, fried, or boiled, served with meat

만두, 덤플링

an Italian food made with thin flat round bread, baked with a topping of tomatoes and cheese, usually with meat, fish, or vegetables


a dish of small rolls or balls of cold cooked rice flavored with vinegar and garnished with raw fish or vegetables, originated in Japan


a sandwich consisting of a cooked patty made from ground beef, served between two buns

햄버거, 다진 고기 샌드위치

a flat round cake that is thin and is made with milk, eggs, and flour, cooked on a hot surface, typically a griddle or frying pan

팬케이크, 전

a mixture of usually raw vegetables, like lettuce, tomato, and cucumber, with a type of sauce and sometimes meat
