책 Insight - 중상급 - 10호 - 10D
여기서는 "폐지", "적", "서약" 등과 같은 Insight 중상급 코스북의 단원 10 - 10D의 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.
a country considered as a group of people that share the same history, language, etc., and are ruled by the same government

국가, 민족

the state of being free to think, act, and make choices without unnecessary restrictions or limitations imposed by others


the quality of being kind, empathetic, and understanding towards others, and treating them with respect and dignity

인류애, 동정심

(of people, their words, or behavior) not offensive to people of different races, ethnicities, genders, etc.
(of situations, problems, etc.) to have a particular factor or reason as the primary cause

결국 ...로 귀결되다, 결국 ...에 달린다

to use a particular situation, resources, or opportunity effectively to gain some benefit

이용하다, 자산화하다

to quickly say something without thinking about it first, usually as a reply to something
to unwillingly obey the rules and accept the ideas or principles of a specific group or person