상황과 상태 - 확실성과 불확실성
"죽음보다 확실한 것은 없다", "예기치 못한 일 외에는 확실한 것은 없다"와 같은 속담을 통해 확실성과 불확실성에 관한 영어 속담을 살펴보세요.
used to convey that death is an inevitable aspect of life, and that no matter what one does or how much one tries to avoid it, death is a certainty that everyone must face eventually
used to imply that life is uncertain and unpredictable, and that unexpected events or circumstances can always arise, making it impossible to be certain about the future
used to imply that true happiness and success cannot be accurately judged until the end of one's life, as unforeseen events or circumstances can arise that may change their fortunes
used to say that one should not celebrate or declare victory until you are completely sure that the situation is over or resolved
used to imply that one should not make assumptions or premature judgments about the final result of something, as there is still a possibility of a surprise or unexpected turn of events
used to imply that even when something seems certain or likely to happen, there are many opportunities for it to go wrong or for unexpected events to intervene before it is actually achieved