학문적 IELTS (밴드 6-7) - 풍경과 지리
여기에서는 Academic IELTS 시험에 필요한 Landscape 및 Geography 관련 영어 단어를 배웁니다.
a valley that is deep and has very steep sides, through which a river is flowing usually

협곡, 계곡

a mound or ridge of sand that is typically formed by the wind, often found in deserts, coastal areas, or other regions with significant wind activity


an area containing still water that is comparatively smaller than a lake, particularly one that is made artificially

연못, 못

a large body of land that is partially surrounded by water but is attached to a larger area of land

반도, 반도적인

the distance of a point east or west of the meridian at Greenwich that is measured in degrees


each of the two parallel and imaginary lines around the earth that is 23°26ʹ south or north of the equator

열대, 열대 (상상의 선)

a hypothetical line around the Earth that divides it into Northern and Southern hemispheres


an imaginary circle around 66.5 degrees south of the equator, marking the southernmost point where the sun stays above or below the horizon for 24 hours during the respective solstices

남극권, 남극 원

a collection of maps, charts, and geographical information typically organized by region or topic

아틀라스, 지도 모음