
IELTS Học Thuật (Band 6-7) - Cảnh quan và Địa lý

Tại đây, các bạn sẽ được học một số từ tiếng Anh liên quan đến Phong cảnh và Địa lý cần thiết cho kỳ thi IELTS Học thuật.


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Bắt đầu học
Vocabulary for Academic IELTS (6-7)

a valley that is deep and has very steep sides, through which a river is flowing usually

hẻm núi, thung lũng sâu

hẻm núi, thung lũng sâu

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a mound or ridge of sand that is typically formed by the wind, often found in deserts, coastal areas, or other regions with significant wind activity

cồn cát

cồn cát

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a piece of land covered in grass and sometimes wild flowers, often used for hay

cánh đồng, đồng cỏ

cánh đồng, đồng cỏ

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an area of land that is covered with water or is always very wet

đầm lầy, vùng ngập nước

đầm lầy, vùng ngập nước

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an area containing still water that is comparatively smaller than a lake, particularly one that is made artificially

ao, đầm

ao, đầm

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an area of land that is flat and higher than the land surrounding it

cao nguyên

cao nguyên

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a large body of land that is partially surrounded by water but is attached to a larger area of land

vùng bán đảo, mũi đất

vùng bán đảo, mũi đất

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a ridge of rock or a line of sand near the surface of a body of water

rạn san hô, bãi đá

rạn san hô, bãi đá

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the outer areas or parts of a city or town

ngoại ô, vùng ngoại

ngoại ô, vùng ngoại

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a small curved area of land that partly encloses a specific part of the sea

vịnh, hốc

vịnh, hốc

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the distance of a point east or west of the meridian at Greenwich that is measured in degrees

kinh độ

kinh độ

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the distance of a point north or south of the equator that is measured in degrees

vĩ độ

vĩ độ

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a hazardous or difficult situation that is very hard to get out of

cát lún, tình huống nguy hiểm

cát lún, tình huống nguy hiểm

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each of the two parallel and imaginary lines around the earth that is 23°26ʹ south or north of the equator

vùng nhiệt đới, vùng nhiệt đới (đường tưởng tượng)

vùng nhiệt đới, vùng nhiệt đới (đường tưởng tượng)

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a hypothetical line around the Earth that divides it into Northern and Southern hemispheres

xích đạo

xích đạo

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a large collection of islands or the sea surrounding them

quần đảo

quần đảo

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antarctic circle

an imaginary circle around 66.5 degrees south of the equator, marking the southernmost point where the sun stays above or below the horizon for 24 hours during the respective solstices

Vòng Nam Cực, vòng tròn Nam Cực

Vòng Nam Cực, vòng tròn Nam Cực

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a collection of maps, charts, and geographical information typically organized by region or topic

atlas, bộ bản đồ

atlas, bộ bản đồ

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a landform at a river's mouth, shaped by sediment deposition and characterized by distributaries



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