인문학 SAT - Evil
여기에서는 SAT에서 최고 점수를 받기 위해 필요한 "stigma", "vanity", "heinous" 등과 같은 악과 관련된 영어 단어를 배우게 됩니다.
an action, behavior, or entity that is extremely wicked, evil, or morally reprehensible
괴물성, 악행
an unreasonable opinion or judgment based on dislike felt for a person, group, etc., particularly because of their race, sex, etc.
편견, 선입견
the state of being reluctant to accept ideas, thoughts, or behaviors that differ from one's own
the deliberate killing of a famous or important person, often for political or ideological reasons
암살, 사치
the state of having a widespread negative reputation due to a bad or disapproving behavior or characteristic
악명, 악평
the state of being made to feel ashamed or losing respect and dignity, often in front of others
굴욕, 수치
a deliberate action or treatment that causes physical or mental pain or suffering in others
잔혹함, 냉혹함
causing someone to have a wrong idea or impression, usually by giving incomplete or false information
교활한, 음흉한
dishonest or deceitful, often involving illegal or unethical actions intended to deceive others
사기의, 속이는
acting in a way that is different from what one claims to believe or value
위선적인, 위선자
having no moral principles and willing to do anything to achieve one's goals
비양심적인, 비도덕적인
extremely evil or shockingly wicked in a way that deeply disturbs or offends
악랄한, 극악무도한
showing a lack of interest or respect by ignoring or minimizing someone or something's importance
무시하는, 경시하는
having an unfair or harsh control over others, often involving cruelty or severe restrictions
억압적인, 탄압적인
involving behaviors, actions, or decisions that are morally wrong
비윤리적인, 도덕적으로 잘못된
extremely unusual or unconventional in a way that is shocking or offensive
터무니없는, 황당한
to be disloyal to a person, a group of people, or one's country by giving information about them to their enemy
배신하다, 배반하다
to betray a person that one is in cooperation with, often when they want to do something illegal together
배반하다, 이중 교차하다
to kill a large number of people, often in a harsh and heartless manner
학살하다, 죽이다
to imitate, copy, or reproduce something, especially currency or goods, with the intent to deceive by passing off the imitation as genuine
위조하다, 모방하다
to take and use the work, words or ideas of someone else without referencing them
표절하다, 복사하다
to control or influence someone cleverly for personal gain or advantage
조작하다, 영향을 미치다
in a way that is widely known or recognized typically for negative reasons
악명 높게, 유명하게