Humanitní Vědy SAT - Evil
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související se zlem, jako je „stigma“, „marnost“, „ohavný“ atd., která budete potřebovat, abyste zvládli své SAT.
an action, behavior, or entity that is extremely wicked, evil, or morally reprehensible

monstróznost, zločin

an unreasonable opinion or judgment based on dislike felt for a person, group, etc., particularly because of their race, sex, etc.

předpojatost, předzásobení

the state of being reluctant to accept ideas, thoughts, or behaviors that differ from one's own


the act of taking excessive pride in one's own achievements or abilities

marnivost, pýcha

a secret plan, particularly one that is made to deceive other people

kompl, schéma

the act of betraying someone or something's trust or loyalty

zrada, nepoctivost

the deliberate killing of a famous or important person, often for political or ideological reasons

atentát, vražda

the state of having a widespread negative reputation due to a bad or disapproving behavior or characteristic

nepříznivá pověst, známost

a cunning or deceptive strategy or action intended to deceive or trick someone

lest, úskok

the state of being made to feel ashamed or losing respect and dignity, often in front of others

ponížení, potupa

separation from accepted norms, standards, or expected patterns of conduct

odchylka, deviace

a deliberate action or treatment that causes physical or mental pain or suffering in others

krutost, barbarství

causing someone to have a wrong idea or impression, usually by giving incomplete or false information

záludný, klamný

dishonest or deceitful, often involving illegal or unethical actions intended to deceive others

podvodný, klamný

acting in a way that is different from what one claims to believe or value

pokrytecký, pokrytec

having no moral principles and willing to do anything to achieve one's goals

bezzásadový, bezohledný

extremely evil or shockingly wicked in a way that deeply disturbs or offends

hanebný, ohavný

showing a lack of interest or respect by ignoring or minimizing someone or something's importance

pohrdavý, odmítavý

having an unfair or harsh control over others, often involving cruelty or severe restrictions

utlačující, tlačící

having an indecent quality or being socially unacceptable in expression

vulgar, hrubý

involving behaviors, actions, or decisions that are morally wrong

neetický, nemorální

extremely unusual or unconventional in a way that is shocking

skandální, šokující

causing a lot of strong public disagreement or discussion

kontroverzní, polemic

to be disloyal to a person, a group of people, or one's country by giving information about them to their enemy

zradit, zradit někoho

to betray a person that one is in cooperation with, often when they want to do something illegal together

podvést, zradit

to kill a large number of people, often in a harsh and heartless manner

masakrovat, zabíjet

to take valuables by force, often resulting in destruction or damage

vyloupit, plundrovat

to make a false copy of something with the intent to deceive

falšovat, padělat

to take and use the work, words or ideas of someone else without referencing them

plagiátorství, zkopírovat

to control or influence someone cleverly for personal gain or advantage

manipulovat, ovládat