SAT 시험 필수 어휘 - 해로움과 위험
여기서는 "imperil(위험)", "toxicity(독성)", "corrosive(부식성)" 등과 같은 해로움과 위험과 관련된 몇 가지 영어 단어를 배우게 되며 SAT에서 최고 점수를 획득하는 데 필요합니다.
to put someone or something in danger, particularly by being careless
![위험에 처하게 하다, 위태롭게 하다](
위험에 처하게 하다, 위태롭게 하다
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to cause or impose something unpleasant, harmful, or unwelcome upon someone or something
![가하다, 부과하다](
가하다, 부과하다
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to cause pain, suffering, or distress, often as a result of illness, injury, or hardship
![고통을 주다, 괴롭히다](
고통을 주다, 괴롭히다
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to make a place, substance, etc. dirty or harmful by adding dangerous material
![오염시키다, 더럽히다](
오염시키다, 더럽히다
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to degrade or tarnish something pure and perfect, especially the reputation of someone
![얼룩지게하다, 더럽히다](
얼룩지게하다, 더럽히다
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to make people believe someone or something is not trustworthy or reliable
![신뢰를 떨어뜨리다, 신빙성을 없애다](
신뢰를 떨어뜨리다, 신빙성을 없애다
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the harmful effects or potential for harm caused by a substance to living organisms or the environment
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having the ability to cause damage or destruction, especially through chemical reactions
![부식성의, 부식하는](
부식성의, 부식하는
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damaging to health both physically and mentally by being poisonous or unpleasant
![유해한, 독성의](
유해한, 독성의
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