المفردات الأساسية لاختبار SAT - الضرر والخطر
ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالأذى والخطر، مثل "Imperil"، و"toxity"، و"corrosive"، وما إلى ذلك، والتي سوف تحتاجها للتفوق في اختبارات SAT الخاصة بك.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
to put someone or something in danger, particularly by being careless

تعريض للخطر, خاطر ب

to cause or impose something unpleasant, harmful, or unwelcome upon someone or something

ألحق, فرض

to cause pain, suffering, or distress, often as a result of illness, injury, or hardship

يؤذي, يُعاني

to make a place, substance, etc. dirty or harmful by adding dangerous material

تلوّث, خرب

to wait in a concealed location and launch a surprise attack on a target

كمين, انقض على

to degrade or tarnish something pure and perfect, especially the reputation of someone

تشويه, إساءة إلى سمعة

to make people believe someone or something is not trustworthy or reliable

تشكيك, إسقاط الثقة في

the harmful effects or potential for harm caused by a substance to living organisms or the environment


presenting danger or threat, particularly to people's health or safety

خطير, مُعرِّض للخطر

having the ability to cause damage or destruction, especially through chemical reactions

مُؤَكِّل, تَآكُلِيّ

damaging to health both physically and mentally by being poisonous or unpleasant

ضار, سام

harsh, providing an environment where life or growth is difficult or impossible

غير مضياف, عدائي

giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen

مبشر بالسوء, مروّع