ACT 인문학 - Music
여기서는 "concerto", "melodic", "soundscape" 등과 같은 음악과 관련된 몇 가지 영어 단어를 배우게 되며, 이는 ACT 점수를 높이는 데 도움이 됩니다.
an arrangement of a series of musical notes with specified intervals, in ascending or descending pitch order

스케일, 음계

a long and sophisticated musical composition written for a large orchestra, in three or four movements


a musical composition that is written for one or more solo instruments and accompanied by an orchestra with three movements

협주곡, 콘체르토

a musical composition that is specifically written for two violins, a viola, and a cello, and typically consists of four movements

현악 사중주, 스트링 쿼텟

the musical support provided by one or more instruments or voices to enhance or complement a soloist or main melody

반주, 동반

a long, elaborate song that is melodious and is intended for a solo voice, especially in an opera

아리아, 멜로디

any musical instruments that can produce sound when its strings are touched or struck

현악기, 현으로 된 악기

a musical instrument that produces sound by vibrating air within a tube or pipe, typically made of wood or metal

목관 악기, 관악기

a woodwind double-reed instrument with a long tubular body and holes and keys on top

오보에, 목관악기

an ancient wind instrument shaped like an egg with holes in its body that are covered with the fingers

오카리나, 오카리나 (악기)

a small, four-stringed musical instrument resembling a guitar, originating from Hawaii


a wind instrument with a reed and several sticks, played by squeezing a bag and blowing through one of its pipes, originated from Scotland

백파이프, 관악기

an electronic musical instrument played without physical contact, controlled by hand movements near two antennas that manipulate electromagnetic fields to produce sound


an early keyboard instrument resembling a piano in which the strings are plucked rather than being hit with a hammer

하프시코드, 클라비코드

a box-like musical instrument that is held in both hands and is played by squeezing and stretching it while pressing its keys


a woodwind instrument of the oboe family consisting of a long wooden tube and a double reed


a type of piano equipped with a mechanism that allows it to play music automatically

플레이어 피아노, 자동 피아노

an auditory experience created by the combination of musical and non-musical sounds within a particular area or context

소리 풍경, 사운드 스케이프

a subgenre of jazz marked by its infectious, propulsive rhythm, prominent use of brass and woodwind instruments, and its association with the swing era of the 1930s and 1940s

스윙 음악, 스윙

an electronic device that strengthens electrical signals or causes sounds to get louder


vocal improvisation where the singer uses nonsense syllables, rhythms, and melodic variations to create spontaneous and rhythmic expressions

스카트, 즉흥 보컬

producing a sharp, powerful sound, typically by hitting or striking something

타격적인, 타격음의