to change organic material into stone or a stone-like substance

petrificeren, verstenen

the tendency to display childlike irritability and fussiness

prikkelbaarheid, wispelturigheid

showing impatience or childlike annoyance over minor issues

nare, prikkelbaar

the ancient practice of trying to turn common metals into gold


a chronic condition characterized by excessive and habitual consumption of alcohol


behavior that seems eccentric, irrational, or extremely foolish

lunatie, krankzinnigheid

a person who is mentally ill or exhibits extreme irrational behavior

lunatic, gek

charging interest rates that are excessively high, to the point of being unreasonable

woekerrente, uitbuitend

the act of loaning money to others and demanding a very high interest rate


intimidating, challenging, or overwhelming in a way that creates a sense of fear or unease

ontzagwekkend, uitdagend

to write hastily or carelessly without giving attention to legibility or form

krabbelen, snel schrijven