a relentless and persistent series of challenges, difficulties, or obstacles, typically experienced over a prolonged period of time

aanval, aanstoot

a small, sharp-pointed structure that grows on the surface of a plant

doorn, stekel

a short and thick stick that is used as a weapon for hitting or striking

knuppel, stomp

a fixed amount of money given to a person regularly as an allowance or salary

stipendium, toelage

a police officer, especially in France or other French-speaking countries


the attribute of color that distinguishes one color from another based on its position in the color spectrum or wheel

kleurtint, kleur

(physics) a unit of force in the centimeter-gram-second system of units, equal to the force that would give a mass of one gram an acceleration of one centimeter per second squared


a small crown, typically worn by nobility or used as a symbol of rank and honor

koronet, kleine kroon

words, phrases, and expressions used by a specific group or profession, which are incomprehensible to others

jargon, vaktaal

a system of beliefs, principles, or teachings that are formally taught, advocated, or followed

leerstuk, doctrine

a shaft or ray of light that originates from the moon

maanstraal, maanlicht

an individual who acts as if they possess special qualities, knowledge, or skills

charlatan, oplichter

a thin oval board that a painter uses to mix colors and hold pigments on, with a hole for the thumb to go through

palet, schilderspalet

a strong and unusual attachment or obsession with a particular object, idea, or activity

fetisj, fetisjisme

a small and narrow stream of water that flows naturally

beekje, stroompje

the art or skill of managing and conducting the affairs of a state or government

staatstheorie, kunst van het besturen

a diplomatic agent or official accredited to a foreign government or international organization, usually of lower rank than an ambassador

gezant, afgevaardigde