Essentiële Woordenschat voor de SAT-Examens - Abstracte en mentale zinswerkwoorden
Hier leer je enkele abstracte en mentale Engelse werkwoorden, zoals "passen in", "identificeren als", "reiken", enz. die je nodig hebt om je SAT's te halen.
to define oneself as belonging to a particular category, group, or label

zich identificeren als, zich definiëren als

to be socially fit for or belong within a particular group or environment

passen, zich aanpassen

to focus on something or someone as the primary subject or point of interest

draaien om, zich richten op

to provide explanations or reasons for a particular situation or set of circumstances

verklaren, rekenschap geven

to be easily noticed, often due to being different from the surrounding elements

opvallen, uitsteken

to officially induct someone into a position or office, typically involving an oath

inwijden, plechtig beëdigen

to be the reason for a specific incident or result

veroorzaken, teweegbrengen

to focus on a particular person or thing from a group in either a positive or negative manner

uitlichten, aanwijzen

to use information, knowledge, or past experience to aid in performing a task or achieving a goal

putten uit, zich baseren op

to conclude by selling off or getting rid of remaining items or assets

uitverkopen, afsluiten

to agree with or correspond to something

overeenkomen met, in overeenstemming zijn met

to record or note something for future reference or action

aantekenen, noteren

to delay the occurrence of something undesirable or threatening

uitstellen, afschrikken

to make a new interest or hobby a regular part of one's life

een gewoonte aannemen, een nieuwe hobby beginnen

(of an outcome, decision, or situation) to depend entirely on a particular factor or set of circumstances

afhangen van, berusten op

to make a situation or relationship less tense by calming emotions, resolving conflicts, etc.

verzachten, verzonnen

(of a person) to slowly become thin and lose strength, particularly to the point of death

vervagen, verdwijnen

to become extremely upset, agitated, or overwhelmed by fear, anxiety, or excitement

in paniek raken, flippen

to concentrate closely on a particular matter

zich richten op, zich concentreren op

to make something available or usable for a different purpose

opbouwen, versterken

to gradually stop using, producing, or providing something

stapsgewijs afbouwen, geleidelijk beëindigen

to suppress flames by forcefully stepping on them or using a stamping motion

uitstampen, afsluiten

to accumulate or obtain something notable, such as victories, accomplishments, or records

opbouwen, verzamelen

(of a situation or issue) to continue for a long period of time without resolution

verdergaan, voortduren zonder resolutie

to access or make use of a resource or source of information

benutten, toegang krijgen tot

to start a task, action, or process with determination and inspiration

beginnen met, aanpakken

to conceal a wrongdoing, fault, or error to prevent others from finding out

verhullen, in de doofpot stoppen

to acquire a new skill or language through practice and application rather than formal instruction

opnemen, verwerven

to become famous and successful in a sudden and rapid manner

de lucht ingaan, doorbreken

to consider a particular factor when planning or making arrangements

rekening houden met, in overweging nemen

to eliminate an option or idea from consideration due to it appearing impossible to realize

uitsluiten, afwijzen

to explain or resolve confusion, making something easier to understand or less ambiguous

ophelderen, uitleggen

to keep treating someone unfairly or making unfair remarks about them

pesten, plagen

to bring forth something, often from the realm of imagination, as if by enchantment

oproepen, vertoveren

to bring forth a memory or image, causing one to remember or think about something

oproepen, herinneren

to clearly and explicitly explain something

duidelijk uitleggen, uitgebreid uitleggen

to present, propose, or offer something for consideration or action

voorstellen, inbrengen