Woordenschat voor IELTS (Algemeen) - Oorzaak en gevolg
Hier leer je enkele Engelse woorden over oorzaak en gevolg, zoals "daarom", "thereby", "stem", etc. die nodig zijn voor het IELTS-examen.
the result or consequence of a situation, event, or action

uitkomst, resultaat

used to introduce a result based on the information or actions that came before

dus, derhalve

being the reason behind the occurrence of something

veroorzakend, cumulatief

not achieving the desired outcome or intended result

ineffectief, onzinnig

used for indicating that something is done in accordance with the mentioned rule, approach, method, etc.

waardoor, op basis waarvan

used to indicate how something is achieved or the result of an action

daardoor, en zo

to cause something to happen or to achieve a desired outcome

teweegbrengen, effectueren

(in official situations) according to this statement or document

hierbij, volgens dit document

immediately following something that is mentioned

onmiddellijk daarna, daaropvolgend

to suggest that one thing is the logical consequence of the other

impliceren, suggereren

an unintended effect of something, usually a negative and long lasting one

gevolg, nasleep

a series of related events, each of which is caused by the former one

kettingreactie, reeks gerelateerde gebeurtenissen

in a way that results in the desired outcome

effectief, op een effectieve manier

a way, system, object, etc. through which one can achieve a goal or accomplish a task

middel, wijze

something that happens incidentally and unexpectedly as a result of something else

bijproduct, nevenproduct

a situation in which a series of similar events are triggered by a single event as the primary cause

domino-effect, kettingreactie