Woordenschatcursus - Zekerheid en twijfel
Hier leer je enkele Engelse woorden over zekerheid en twijfel, zoals "ensure", "forecast", "assure", enz., voorbereid voor B2-leerlingen.
to make someone feel confident or certain about someone or something
iemand verzekeren
to express confidence or certainty in something happening or being the case
zeker zijn
to make sure that something will happen
ervoor zorgen dat iets gebeurt
to predict future events, based on analysis of present data and conditions
to pause before saying or doing something because of uncertainty or nervousness
aarzelend worden
used to indicate a degree of expectation regarding something that is likely to happen
zou moeten
to think that something is probably true, especially something bad, without having proof
iets vermoeden
used to express an opinion about which one is not certain
hulpwerkwoord dat wordt gebruikt om iemands mening te uiten
likely to happen or sure to experience something
meest waarschijnlijk
anticipated or predicted to happen based on previous knowledge or assumptions
bound to happen in a way that is impossible to avoid or prevent
done without carefully considering what might happen
roekeloos en onattent
(of a person) having no doubt about something
helemaal zeker
having a high possibility of happening or being true based on available evidence or circumstances
(of a person) showing a lack of confidence and having doubts about something
used to say that something is likely to happen or is true
the state of being sure about something, usually when there is proof
the belief that one can trust or count on someone or something
a state of disorder in which people panic and do not know what to do
staat van verwarring
the likelihood or chance of an event occurring or being true
in a way or by some method that is not known or certain
op de een of andere manier
a secret plan, particularly one that is made to deceive other people
used usually in a response to show that something may not be true
is misschien niet het geval
used to show that someone has made a good suggestion or guess
to closely examine to see if someone is suitable or something is true
to fail to keep or fulfill a commitment or assurance made to someone
als je een belofte niet nakomt
the likelihood or probability of something actually taking place
to dispose of something by giving or selling it to someone else though persuasion or deception
iemand iets verkopen door hem te misleiden
to fail to keep a promise or commitment that was previously made
je belofte niet nakomen