Listă de Cuvinte Nivel B2 - Certitudine și îndoială
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză despre certitudine și îndoială, precum „asigură”, „prognoză”, „asigură”, etc., pregătite pentru cursanții B2.
Fișe de studiu
to express confidence or certainty in something happening or being the case

a paria, a paria că

to predict future events, based on analysis of present data and conditions

a prezice, a prognoza

to pause before saying or doing something because of uncertainty or nervousness

a ezita

used to indicate a degree of expectation regarding something that is likely to happen

ar trebui, trebuie

to think that something is probably true, especially something bad, without having proof

suspecta, bănui

anticipated or predicted to happen based on previous knowledge or assumptions

așteptat, prevăzut

bound to happen in a way that is impossible to avoid or prevent

inevitabil, inevitabilitate

having a high possibility of happening or being true based on available evidence or circumstances

probabil, posibil

(of a person) showing a lack of confidence and having doubts about something

nesigur, îndoielnic

not exactly known or expressed, often leading to confusion or ambiguity

neclar, ambiguu

the state of being sure about something, usually when there is proof

certitudine, siguranță

the belief that one can trust or count on someone or something

încredere, siguranță

a state of disorder in which people panic and do not know what to do

confuzie, dezastru

to closely examine to see if someone is suitable or something is true

verifica, cerceta

the likelihood or probability of something actually taking place

probabilitate, șanse

to dispose of something by giving or selling it to someone else though persuasion or deception

vinde cu înșelăciune, a da mai departe