Essentiële Woordenschat voor de TOEFL - Kleuren en vormen
Hier leer je enkele Engelse woorden over kleuren en vormen, zoals "violet", "smaragd", "parallel", enz. die nodig zijn voor het TOEFL-examen.
(of someone's hair or an animal's fur) bright orange-brown in color

gember, roestkleurig

(of colors) not too bright or glaring, in a way that is relaxing to the eyes

zacht, verzachtend

the space between two lines or surfaces that are joined, measured in degrees or radians


positioned at a right angle to the horizon or ground, typically moving up or down

verticaal, rechtop

positioned across and parallel to the ground and not up or down

horizontaal, horizontale

(geometry) a flat shape consisting of three straight sides and three angles


the quality of having two halves that are exactly the same, which are separated by an axis


(geometry) a curved shape or design that gradually winds around a center or axis


(geometry) a shape that is not two-dimensional because it has height, width, and length

vast lichaam, volumetrische figuur

(geometry) a flat shape with four right angles, especially one with opposing sides that are equal and parallel to each other

rechthoek, rechthoekig

(geometry) a round object that every point on its surface has the same distance from its center

bol, sferisch

(geometry) a three dimensional shape with a circular base that rises to a single point


a solid object with a square base and four triangular sides joined to a point on the top


rounded in shape but wider in one direction, such as the shape of an egg


a measure of the height, length, or width of an object in a certain direction
