Książka English File - Początkujący - Lekcja 8A
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z lekcji 8A z podręcznika English File Beginner, takie jak „change”, „use”, „pass” itp.
a country located in North America that is bordered by the United States to the north


a country in the southernmost part of the African continent that became independent in 1961


to control the movement and the speed of a car, bus, truck, etc. when it is moving

prowadzić, sterować

to move a car, bus, etc. into an empty place and leave it there for a short time

zaparkować, postawić

to move through water by moving parts of the body, typically arms and legs

pływać, uprawiać pływanie

to do something with an object, method, etc. to achieve a specific result

używać, zastosować

an official document that shows someone is qualified to drive a motor vehicle

prawo jazdy, licencja na prowadzenie pojazdu

a test that evaluates a person's knowledge of driving and traffic laws and is taken when they want to get their driver's license

egzamin teoretyczny, test teoretyczny

a test that replicates a situation and intends to evaluate one's skill and ability in performing certain tasks and duties

egzamin praktyczny, test praktyczny