Książka Four Corners 4 - Część 11 Lekcja D
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z Części 11, Lekcji D w podręczniku Four Corners 4, takie jak „przemysłowy”, „burzony”, „agencja” itp.
a road or path that is rough and usually made by animals or people repeatedly walking there
szlak, ścieżka
a country's rules that all of its citizens are required to obey
any physical damage to a part of the body caused by an accident or attack
uraz, obrażenie
to fix something that is damaged, broken, or not working properly
naprawiać, odtworzyć
related to the manufacturing or production of goods on a large scale
przemysłowy, przemysłowa
a building or set of buildings in which products are made, particularly using machines
fabryka, zakład produkcyjny
a huge round object that moves in an orbit, around the sun or any other star
planeta, ciało niebieskie
to join two or more pieces of fabric or other materials together, often by using a needle and thread
szyć, łączyć
to deal with a situation or problem successfully
radzić sobie, zarządzać
a piece of work for someone to do, especially as an assignment
zadanie, praca
a person who writes computer programs
programista, programistka
an expert who is employed to check or work with technical equipment or machines
technik, specjalista
(of an object) powered by machinery or an engine
mechaniczny, maszynowy
in an assured manner, leaving no room for doubt
z pewnością, bez wątpienia
having a price that a person can pay without experiencing financial difficulties
przystępny, w przystępnej cenie
the body part that pushes the blood to go to all parts of our body
a vital organ in the body that cleans the blood of harmful substances
wątroba, organ niezbędny do życia
to produce products in large quantities by using machinery
produkować, wytwarzać
a place where people do scientific experiments, manufacture drugs, etc.
a unified whole created by joining or mixing two or more distinct elements or parts together
kombinacja, mieszanka
a single person, particularly when considered as separate from a group, etc.
indywiduum, osoba
a profession or a series of professions that one can do for a long period of one's life
kariera, zawód
a person in charge of paying and receiving money in a hotel, shop, bank, etc.
kasjer, kasjerka
someone who has studied medicine and treats sick or injured people
lekarz, doktor
a person who gathers and reports news or does interviews for a newspaper, TV, radio station, etc.
reporter, dziennikarz
someone who serves in an army, particularly a person who is not an officer
żołnierz, żołnierz zawodowy
someone who teaches things to people, particularly in a school
nauczyciel, wychowawca
someone who buys tickets, arranges tours, books hotels, etc. for travelers as their job
agent podróży, przedstawiciel biura podróży
happening, done, or existing in the present time
obecny, aktualny
the group of politicians in control of a country or state
rząd, administracja
a business or organization that provides services to other parties, especially by representing them in transactions
agencja, podmiot usługowy
a flying vehicle such as an aircraft that is controlled from afar and has no pilot
dron, bezzałogowy statek powietrzny
to bring and give a letter, package, etc. to a specific person or place
dostarczyć, wydać