Książka Total English - Podstawowy - Jednostka 7 - Lekcja 2
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z Rozdziału 7 – Lekcji 2 z podręcznika Total English Elementary, takie jak „przystojny”, „nieśmiały”, „osobowość” itp.
a person who invites guests to a social event and ensures they have a pleasant experience while there
gospodarz, host
(of a man) having an attractive face and body
przystojny, atrakcyjny
(of skin) having a dark shade because of direct exposure to sunlight
opalone, brązowe
(of a person) approximately between 45 to 65 years old, typically indicating a stage of life between young adulthood and old age
w średnim wieku, w wieku średnim
(of hair, skin, or eyes) characterized by a deep brown color that can range from light to very dark shades
ciemny, głęboki
(of a person) having a height that is less than what is thought to be the average height
niski, krótki
(of a person) having a height that is greater than what is thought to be the average height
wysoki, długi
(of a person's skin) having less color than usual, caused by fear, illness, etc.
blady, bezbarwny
having a strong belief in one's abilities or qualities
pewny siebie, ufny
(of a person) behaving in an unkind, unfriendly, or ruthless
okropny, straszny
all the qualities that shape a person's character and make them different from others
osobowość, charakter
not kind or nice toward other people
nieczuły, antagonistyczny