
Resultado e Impacto - Causa efeito

Explore provérbios ingleses sobre causa e efeito com ditados como "depois de uma tempestade vem a calmaria" e "não há cura, não há pagamento".







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Outcome & Impact
as a tree falls, so shall it lie

used to imply that the consequences of one's actions or decisions are inevitable and cannot be avoided, and that people must accept the outcome of their choices, whether positive or negative

como uma árvore cai, assim ficará

como uma árvore cai, assim ficará

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a good beginning makes (for) a good ending

used to emphasize the importance of preparation, planning, and taking the time to ensure that the start of a task or project is done well, as it could lead to a successful outcome

um bom começo é um bom final

um bom começo é um bom final

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after a storm comes a calm

used to encourage and remind one that even the most challenging situations are temporary and that there is always the possibility of a brighter future

depois de uma tempestade vem a calmaria

depois de uma tempestade vem a calmaria

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the bigger they are, the harder they (shall) fall

used to suggest that those who are in positions of power or authority are often more vulnerable to failure or defeat because they have more to lose

brew, so shall you bake

used to emphasize the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and recognizing that the effort put in at the outset can significantly impact the eventual outcome

preparar, então você deve assar

preparar, então você deve assar

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circumstances often alter cases

used to emphasize the importance of taking into account the specific circumstances of a situation and making decisions based on those circumstances

every why has a wherefore

used to say that every action or event has a cause or reason behind it, and that understanding the cause of an event can help one to understand its effects

todo porquê tem um porquê

todo porquê tem um porquê

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evil be to him who evil thinks

used to say that those who have malicious or negative intentions towards others will ultimately bring harm upon themselves

o mal seja para quem pensa mal

o mal seja para quem pensa mal

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no cure no pay

used to imply that a person or entity will only receive payment if they are successful in achieving a specific outcome or result

sem cura, sem pagamento

sem cura, sem pagamento

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nothing comes out of the sack but what was in it

used to imply that the outcome or result of a situation is determined by the factors that were present from the beginning

nada sai do saco além do que havia nele

nada sai do saco além do que havia nele

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the sooner begun, the sooner done

used to suggest that procrastination or delay will only prolong the time it takes to complete a task or project

quanto mais cedo começar, mais cedo será feito

quanto mais cedo começar, mais cedo será feito

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what you have never had you never miss

used to suggest that it is easier to live without something when one has never experienced it or owned it before, and that one should focus on the things that one does have instead

o que você nunca teve você nunca sente falta

o que você nunca teve você nunca sente falta

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easy come, easy go

used to suggest that when something is obtained or achieved easily, it is often lost or wasted just as easily

the bleating of the kid excites the tiger

used to imply that even innocent or unintended actions can have unintended consequences, and that people should be mindful of the potential risks or dangers of their behavior

first in, best dressed

used to imply that being proactive and taking early action gives someone an advantage in achieving success or obtaining what they want

primeiro a chegar, mais bem vestido

primeiro a chegar, mais bem vestido

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what goes up must come down

used to suggest that success, power, or fortune is often temporary and that anything that rises to a high position or level will eventually fall or decline

o que sobe tem que descer

o que sobe tem que descer

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necessity is the mother of invention

used to say that when faced with a difficult situation or problem, people are motivated to find new solutions or innovations to overcome it

necessidade é a mãe da invenção

necessidade é a mãe da invenção

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there is reason in the roasting of eggs

used to encourage individuals to be mindful of the significance of even small things and to recognize that there is often a deeper meaning or purpose behind them

há razão em assar ovos

há razão em assar ovos

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one who handles honey, licks his fingers

used to imply that those who are involved in something good, beneficial, or profitable are likely to enjoy the benefits themselves

quem manuseia mel lambe os dedos

quem manuseia mel lambe os dedos

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all covet, all lose

used to imply that when people become too focused on acquiring something that is highly desired, it can lead to negative outcomes or loss for everyone involved

todos cobiçam, todos perdem

todos cobiçam, todos perdem

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