Verbos Relacionados a Temas de Ações Humanas - Verbos relacionados à compra
Aqui você aprenderá alguns verbos em inglês referentes à compra, como "pay", "splurge" e "afford".
to reluctantly pay a significant amount of money
pagar relutantemente, gastar com relutância
to spend money for various purposes, such as acquiring goods, services, or assets
gastar, desembolsar
to spend or invest money or resources for a particular purpose
gastar, investir
to spend a lot of money on something trivial that one does not really need
esbanjar, gastar em demasia
to contribute or pay the required amount in order to settle and clear a debt
pagar, quitar
to distribute money, funds, or resources, typically for various purposes or obligations
disbursar, distribuir
to return an amount of money that was borrowed
restituir, pagar de volta
to make payment to someone for the service they have provided
remunerar, pagar
to buy the whole supply of something such as tickets, stocks, goods, etc.
comprar tudo, adquirir o total
to get goods or services in exchange for money or other forms of payment
comprar, adquirir
to look for and buy different things from stores or websites
fazer compras, comprar
to pay some money in advance to use or receive something regularly
assinar, subscrever
to pay someone to use something such as a car, house, etc. for a period of time
alugar, arrendar
to let someone use a property, asset, or item in exchange for regular payments of money
alugar, locar