Lista de Palavras Nível C2 - Roupas e moda
Aqui você aprenderá todas as palavras essenciais para falar sobre Roupas e Moda, coletadas especificamente para alunos do nível C2.
the products of making highly fashionable and expensive clothing

alta costura

a type of shoe that is flat with a low heel, made of leather, and can be worn without fastening

mocassim, sapato de couro

a long, loose, flowing tunic or robe that is of Asian, African, or Middle Eastern origin

kaftan, caftan

a richly decorative fabric characterized by raised patterns

brocado, tecido brocado

items of clothing and accessories for men

loja de acessórios masculinos, varejo de moda masculina

a textured fabric with intricate woven patterns, commonly found in high-end clothing

jacquard, tecido jacquard

flowing gown worn by women in the late 17th and early 18th centuries

mantua, vestido

a decorative frill or extension of fabric that is attached at the waist of a garment

peplum, babado

a part of a garment that is constructed from two or more layers of fabric, typically located at the shoulder or waist

yoke, parte

a teardrop-shaped, intricate design pattern characterized by a curved, abstract floral motif

paisley, desenho paisley

a long, loose-fitting dressing gown, usually worn by women after taking a bath or shower


a medieval garment worn primarily by women, consisting of a cloth covering the head, neck, and sometimes the chin, often worn beneath a veil or hood

wimple, coberta de cabeça

a crisp, smooth fabric with a slight sheen, commonly used in fashion for formal garments

tafetá, tafetá (tecido)

clothing or garments, especially when considered in terms of fashion or formal attire

vestuário, roupa

skilled dressmaker or fashion designer, particularly in the context of historical fashion

modista, costureira

an additional item or clothing for a specific activity

acessório, equipamento

a small, ornamental handbag or purse, typically carried by women in the 18th and 19th centuries as a fashion accessory

retículo, bolsa ornamental

the art, craft, or business of designing, making, or selling hats, especially women's

modisteria, chapelaria

a delicate metalwork, like jewelry, with intricate designs made from thin wires or threads

filigrana, trabalho de filigrana

a decorative plume or feather worn as a fashion accessory on hats or helmets


a stiff, petticoat-like undergarment made of horsehair or a similar material, which is worn to give shape and volume to a woman's skirt


characterized by custom-made clothing tailored to an individual's preferences

sob medida, personalizado

referring to clothing, particularly men's clothing, or the manner in which it is tailored or worn

sartorial, de alfaiataria

stitched together in a decorative pattern, creating a padded or textured surface

acolchoado, costurado

(of a fabric or piece of clothing) made with many small folds or pleats

fruncido, drapejado

(typically of a man) stylish and neat in appearance, often characterized by well-groomed attire and attention to detail

elegante, arrumado

required by etiquette or fashion norms, indicating it's currently popular or expected to wear

de rigueur, exigente