Letramento para o Exame ACT - Atitudes negativas e neutras
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas a atitudes negativas e neutras, como "tímido", "carrancudo", "desprezo", etc., que o ajudarão a se sair bem em seus ACTs.
a feeling of anger or annoyance aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean


a doubting or questioning attitude towards ideas, beliefs, or claims that are generally accepted

ceticismo, dúvida

a feeling of self-satisfaction or contentment, often accompanied by a lack of awareness of potential dangers

autossatisfação, satisfação

the disregard and lack of respect for someone or something seen as insignificant or unworthy

desprezo, desdém

the feeling that someone or something is not worthy of respect or consideration

desdém, desprezo

the feeling of anger and dissatisfaction because one thinks something is unfair

ressentimento, angústia

an intense enthusiasm or obsession for something, often to an excessive or uncontrollable degree

mania, obsessão

behaving without shame or fear and refusing to follow traditional rules or manners

descarado, impertinente

in a manner that shows acceptance of something undesirable or unavoidable without protest

resignadamente, com resignação

(of a person) unwilling to talk to other people or participate in social events

retraído, reservado

a tendency to keep one's thoughts, feelings, and personal affairs to oneself


in a manner that shows no emotion, feeling, or reaction

impassivelmente, sem reação

behaving in an unrestrained or unchecked manner, often to the point of being reckless or aggressive

desenfreado, descontrolado

stating the opposite of what one means to criticize, insult, mock, or make a joke


displaying an attitude of superiority toward those perceived as inferior, often due to social status, wealth, or education

esnobe, arrogante

having tones of humiliation, insult, disrespect, or disapproval

pejorativo, desrespeitoso

dissatisfied or unhappy due to feelings of unfair treatment or disappointment

descontente, desanimado

having or showing a negative view of the future and always waiting for something bad to happen

pessimista, negativo

to have doubts, reservations, or uncertainties about relying on someone or something

desconfiar, dúvidar

to speak or behave in a way that implies that one is more knowledgeable, experienced, or intelligent than the other person

paternalizar, desdenhar

to express contempt or derision by mocking, ridiculing, and laughing at someone or something

zombar, desdenhar

with a lack of sensitivity or consideration

de forma flagrante, de maneira desavergonhada

in a manner that tries to impress by pretending to have more importance, talent, or culture than is actually possessed

de maneira pretensiosa, pretensiosamente

uncertain or reluctant to act or speak, often due to doubt or indecision

hesitante, indeciso

having a plain and sometimes harsh way of expressing thoughts or opinions

direto, franco

shy or timid, especially in social situations, often accompanied by a reluctance to draw attention to oneself

tímido, vergonhoso

based only on facts and not influenced by personal feelings or judgments

objetivo, imparcial

presenting information in a straightforward, unemotional, and practical manner

factual, pragmático