Listă de Cuvinte Nivel B1 - Vremea
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză despre vreme, precum „tunet”, „sunshine”, „umed”, etc., pregătite pentru cursanții B1.
Fișe de studiu
the event during which the sun comes up
răsărit de soare, dimineața
an area that becomes dark and cool when direct sunlight is blocked by an object
umbră, zonă umbroasă
the loud crackling noise that is heard from the sky during a storm
tunet, murmur
a bright flash, caused by electricity, in the sky or one that hits the ground from within the clouds
fulger, trăsnet
the event during which snow begins to fall from the sky
ninsoare, cădere de zăpadă
a heavy fall of snow with a strong wind
furtună de zăpadă, ninsoare abundentă
drops of water that have fallen from the sky as rain
apă de ploaie
a single droplet of water that falls from the sky
picătură de ploaie, picătură
a unique small piece of snow fallen from the sky
fulg de nea, cristal de zăpadă
(of a river) to become filled and overflown with water and spread it onto the surrounding lands
inunda, supraîncărca
(of the climate) having a lot of moisture in the air, causing an uncomfortable and sticky feeling
umid, murdar
a period of hot weather, usually hotter and longer than before
val de căldură, fază de căldură
a heavy fall of hail during a storm
furtună de grindină, grindină
a prediction of what will happen such as a change in the weather
prognoză, previziune
(of the sun or other celestial objects) to move out of view when going below the horizon
apune, coborî
(of something in solid form) to turn into liquid form by being subjected to heat
topi, fuziona
rain containing a great deal of acidic chemicals, caused by air pollution, which can harm the environment
ploaie acidă
a strong wind, mostly in a desert, that lifts particles of sand and blows them around
furtună de nisip, tornadă de nisip
a storm with strong winds and very little rain
furtună de vânt, vânt puternic