Cartea Headway - Începător - Unitatea 3
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Unitatea 3 din manualul de curs Headway Beginner, cum ar fi „adresă”, „ambele”, „căpitan”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
the information that helps us find a place so we can go there or send a letter or package to that place
adresă, locație
a small restaurant that sells drinks and meals
cafenea, restaurant mic
to ask someone questions about a particular topic on the TV, radio, or for a newspaper
a intervieva, a întreba
someone who drives a big vehicle, called a bus, that carries passengers from one place to another
șofer de autobuz, conducător de autobuz
someone whose job involves driving a taxi and taking people to different places
șofer de taxi, conducător de taxi
someone who builds or repairs houses and buildings, often as a job
constructor, îndrumător
someone whose job is to protect people, catch criminals, and make sure that laws are obeyed
ofițer de poliție, policist
a person who greets and deals with people arriving at or calling a hotel, office building, doctor's office, etc.
the person who is in charge of an aircraft and responsible for its operation and safety
căpitan, comandant
a man who does business activities like running a company
om de afaceri, antreprenor
someone who teaches things to people, particularly in a school
profesor, învățător
a building where we give money to stay and eat food in when we are traveling
hotel, han
a woman who brings people food and drinks in restaurants, cafes, etc.
someone who has been trained to care for injured or sick people, particularly in a hospital
asistent medical, infirmier
a person who is studying at a school, university, or college
student, studenta
a place or building where we can get on or off a train or bus
stație, loc de oprire
someone especially a professional who plays football
fotbalist, jucător de fotbal
someone who plays the sport of football as part of a team
jucător de fotbal, fotbalist
a group of players who play football together, following the sport's rules and aiming to score goals
echipă de fotbal, team de fotbal
said before asking someone a question, as a way of politely getting their attention
Scuzați-mă, Permiteți-mi
used to refer to every number, part, amount of something or a particular group
toate, fiecare
in the most effective or desirable way
cel mai bine, în cel mai eficient mod
the number of years something has existed or someone has been alive
the quantity that is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, etc. using a device like clock
timp, durată
worried and anxious about something or slightly afraid of it
nervos, anxios
catching and keeping our attention because of being unusual, exciting, etc.
interesant, atrăgător
facts or knowledge related to a thing or person
informație, date
the number used for calling someone's phone
număr de telefon, număr de mobil
either of two children born at the same time to the same mother
gemeni, gemene