Cartea Headway - Intermediar avansat - Engleza de zi cu zi (Unitatea 2)
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Unitatea 2 de engleză de zi cu zi din manualul de curs Headway Upper Intermediate, cum ar fi „coast”, „suburb”, „talk about”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
to discuss a particular thing with someone, especially something that is important or serious

a vorbi despre, a discuta despre

in a place that is far away from cities, towns, or anywhere that is occupied by people
the area with farms, fields, and trees, that is outside cities and towns

zonă rurală, câmpie

a side or a section of an area, typically of a larger space or location

colț, unghi

a public path for vehicles in a village, town, or city, usually with buildings, houses, etc. on its sides

stradă, cale

a natural and continuous stream of water flowing on the land to the sea, a lake, or another river

râu, pârâu

a naturally raised area of land that is higher than the land around it, often with a round shape

deal, înălțime

a road or path that is rough and usually made by animals or people repeatedly walking there

sentier, cai